10 Natural Antibiotics

10 natural antibiotics

You do not always have to go to a pharmacy or doctor’s office if you are looking for an effective antibiotic. Such products are also obtained directly from nature and do not require a prescription or a large amount of money. Natural antibiotics do not contain strong side effects and do not get caught in them. So you want to know what the best natural antibiotics are? Keep reading!

Natural antibiotics – these products are worth grabbing!

To help prevent infections, there is an option for you to automatically go to the pharmacy and seek medication and chemicals to solve your problem. You can choose one or more healthier and more natural options.

Grapefruit seeds

Extracts of these seeds are sold in shops specializing in natural products. Alternatively, you can allow the grapefruit seeds to dry after you have eaten the fruit yourself, and then chop them using a spice mortar. Grapefruit is capable of destroying bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses. This fruit is a very inexpensive and natural antibiotic that can be taken at any age. Delicious and effective!

Grapefruit natural antibiotics


This is probably no surprise to you, but garlic is considered such a good health product that it is part of the so-called superfoods. The benefits of this plant are many and can be used in thousands of recipes. One of the most important properties of garlic is that it acts as a product to fight bacteria . Indeed, garlic has been used for thousands of years to treat various disease epidemics.

The antibacterial properties of garlic were studied by a person named Louis Pasteur in the 19th century and he proved that this product has the ability to kill bacteria, fungi and viruses. In addition, garlic improves resistance if you eat it raw.


This is a North American plant whose leaves and roots were already used by the Indians of that continent centuries ago. They used it to heal wounds. Echinacea  prevents infections, improves resistance and stimulates lymphocyte production. These cells play a very important role as they defend the body against diseases, infections and viruses.

Echinacea is a very effective plant even in the sense that it is useful in the treatment of fever, flu and ear infections. It relieves inflammation of the skin and sore throat, and relieves digestive and urinary tract pain.

Echinacea natural antibiotics


This is the substance that bees produce when they collect pollen or sap from plants and flowers. They use propolis, or putty wax, to keep their nests clean and hygienic, and they also get protection from intruders. Thanks to this substance, beehives are the most sterile place in nature. For thousands of years, propolis has been used to protect against bacteria and to improve resistance.

vitamin C

Many fruits and vegetables provide the body with a good amount of vitamin C. The properties of this vitamin are really awesome as it is a very effective aid in prevention. It is a natural antioxidant that stimulates the body’s defense mechanisms. People who eat a lot of citrus fruits do not get sick as easily as others. Vitamin C is also able to remove viruses and bacteria and in addition it helps to remove toxic substances from the body.


If you can find oregano oil in any store, this is an even better option than oregano in its regular form. The oil is made from the leaves of this aromatic spice and contains a substance with very effective antibacterial properties. It can help fight many inflammations and is a very effective natural antibiotic.

Oregano oil destroys many pathogens and is also an effective fighter against 25 bacteria – these include bacteria that are able to resist antibiotics made from chemicals.

Oregano natural antibiotics

Oregano oil is thus a great help for people with intestinal infections, typhoid, urinary tract infections, cholera, skin infections or ulcers. It also provides protection against colds, measles and mumps. Oregano oil reduces the inflammation of wounds caused by knives or animal bites and also neutralizes the toxins of bees, snakes and spiders.

Olive leaf

It can be said that olive leaf extract is the right miracle ingredient. It is the result of the processing of this plant and has antimicrobial properties (it protects the olives from pathogens). In addition, it works to curb the harmful effects of free radicals – these cause, among other things, premature aging in the human body. On top of all this, olive leaf extract is an antioxidant and fights inflammation as well as reduces pain.


Astragalus or pea is a plant of Chinese origin. It is not very well known in the western hemisphere, but in China it is widely used in the country’s traditional medicine. It helps to improve resistance, prevent colds and flu, and curb infections across the Asian continent. Astragalus is also an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial product that acts as an antioxidant. It lowers blood pressure, improves resistance and prevents diabetes.

Green tea

Green tea

You may have heard many times about the great and effective properties of green tea, and this brew is a really great help in weight loss as well as reducing fluid from the body. However, it also has other health-promoting properties and its main ingredient, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), is effective in killing almost all bacteria in the mouth. It is an excellent antibiotic that should not be left out of the daily routine. Green tea is also very delicious, so if you haven’t tried it yet, you should definitely start enjoying this health drink!

So these products are the best natural antibiotics that you should use to treat a wide range of health problems – these give you good efficacy cheaply and safely.

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