10 Reasons Why Yoga Is Good For Overweight People

While doing some postures may be more difficult for overweight people, it is true that yoga can be a really useful sport both physically and mentally.
10 Reasons Why Yoga Is Good For Overweight People

If you are reading this article, it may be because you are interested in yoga, but you think that yoga is not for you because you are overweight. Guess what? You’re wrong! Yoga is an excellent sport for overweight people as it not only helps to burn fat but it also helps to manage anxiety.

Yoga is generally good for anyone’s well-being and many people can attest to it. For example, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks for yoga as a state affair so that every Indian can enjoy its benefits in their daily lives.

The Prime Minister even shared several animated videos of him practicing yoga. In these videos, he emphasizes that yoga is a healthy form of exercise for everyone.

Below, we’ve highlighted even more reasons to motivate you to attend yoga classes – especially if you’re overweight!

The great benefits of yoga for overweight people

1. Yoga improves breathing

Yoga can improve your breathing and help you become more aware of it.

Awareness of breathing and following a healthy lifestyle will also help nutrients reach the organs more efficiently. Thus, the organs begin to function better and help the body prevent diseases caused by nutrient deficiencies.

2. It improves self-esteem and quality of life

Yoga is a great way to start a more active lifestyle. In addition, yoga can help improve self-esteem and quality of life in general.

Yoga helps promote both physical and mental well-being, and is important when it comes to improving self-image and changing the way you live your daily life. You will also have better control over your body and be able to improve your overall quality of life through physical activity.

3. It helps fight depression

overweight people can develop depression

Many people suffer from low self-esteem, which increases a person’s risk of depression. Low self-esteem can be associated with uncertainty about physical appearance, character traits, or personal backgrounds.

Yoga can help treat mild depression and improve self-esteem. It is a way to meditate, reflect, gain self-confidence, and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

4. Yoga relieves stress

Breathing exercises, meditation and improving posture are all part of yoga and will help you relax as well as relieve stress. It will also help you be more focused both mentally and physically.

When you dedicate part of your day to meditation and deep breathing, it significantly reduces the amount of the stress hormone cortisol. Filling your lungs with fresh air will also help you calm down, make better decisions, and face daily challenges.

5. It reduces physical discomfort

With a regular yoga routine, you can reduce headaches and blood pressure, and fight fatigue and insomnia. This is because the oxygen level in the brain rises and releases toxins that appear when you take a deep breath.

It will also help you get more energy during the day and give you more motivation to eat healthier as well as maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

6. You will notice the changes

Weight does not affect your yoga skills. So in yoga classes, it is important not to demand anything from your body more than it can give. However, you will become more supple and confident after practicing yoga for a while. You will find that you can do more difficult positions than what you were able to do in the past.

So yoga is an ideal sport for overweight people as it allows you to progress at your own pace without ever straining your body too much. You will also gradually see changes in flexibility, strength, balance, and posture. So remember not to overload yourself too much at first and move slowly.

7. It is a bit of a demanding activity

Yoga is a good addition to any healthy lifestyle, nor does it require any huge changes in life. As you progress on your own yoga journey, postures and difficulty levels will also increase.

Some postures are for beginners and most yoga instructors change the routine to take into account the skills of the students. It will result in you not becoming too frustrated when you are unable to do more difficult positions and get to start at the level that suits you best.

Yoga also gives you flexibility in your schedule, as you can decide for yourself how little or how much time you devote to it.

8. It is beneficial for hormonal function

Each yoga position affects a specific part of the body at the muscle, nerve or hormone level. For example, some postures are intended for people with thyroid problems.

So if you are overweight due to hormonal problems, you may want to consider practicing yoga as an aid to the problem. In such cases, we recommend that you find out for yourself or ask your instructor which postures are best for treating thyroid problems and other hormonal problems.

9. Yoga helps fight anxiety

We have already mentioned the benefits of yoga in terms of spirituality and relaxation. It is because it is generally considered an activity that helps reduce anxiety.

Meditation and breathing exercises not only help reduce anxiety, but the effect of yoga on the nervous system can also help you focus better. It can also have an effect on eating habits as well as appetites.

10. It will help you achieve your goals

If you are interested in physical activity to help yourself live a healthier lifestyle or lose weight, yoga is the perfect sport! In addition to the form of exercise, yoga is also a spiritual activity that strengthens your connection with yourself and your willpower.

You will have moments of concentration and meditation to encourage yourself to move forward and heal. It will also give you patience to wait for the results of your efforts.

What postures can help you lose weight?

yoga high

Yoga can help you strengthen your muscles, improve your flexibility, improve your breathing, and feel better overall. Yoga is especially beneficial for overweight people as good results are achieved without much effort.

Help your body promote weight loss by practicing these positions:

Dead Position / Relaxation Position ( Savana ) : This position is ideal for relaxing and calming the mind and body.

Candle ( Sarvangasana ) : This position helps regulate metabolism and stimulate the thyroid gland.

Lifting the legs against the wall ( viparita karani mudra ) : this position helps the thyroid gland to function better and improves circulatory problems. In addition, it helps with self-control.

Fish ( matsyasana ) : This position helps regulate thyroid function. It is also beneficial for the pituitary, adrenaline and pineal gland.

Aura ( halasana ) : This position helps reduce belly fat. It also helps regulate the thyroid gland, spleen and liver.

Cobra ( bhujanghasana ) : This position helps regulate adrenaline and thyroid. It also stimulates and helps firm the abdominal muscles. In addition, it strengthens the spine and helps firm the buttocks.

What positions should you avoid?

In general, you should not do any postures that you are not prepared to do physically, such as postures where any part of your body supports your entire body weight. Other positions, such as padahastasana and balasana , where you lean completely forward, can also prevent you from breathing.

Regular physical activity will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Yoga is especially helpful for overweight people who want to start a healthier or more active lifestyle. It is especially effective as it not only improves physical health but also mental and spiritual health.

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