2 Diet Ideas To Improve Bone And Joint Health

Bones and joints naturally weaken over time, but diet plays a big role in how your joints and bones can.
2 diet ideas to improve bone and joint health

Bones and joints are a concern for many. An estimated 20% of the world’s people suffer from joint-related pain, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. These diseases and problems arise when articular cartilage, ligaments, and bone are worn and damaged as a result of either genetic inheritance, age, or injury.

Joint pain impairs quality of life and negatively affects mobility, which can make daily chores difficult. In addition to the actual pain, the joints can be stiff and tense, and the patient experiences difficulty balancing and chronic numbness.

Different treatment options vary depending on your medical history and the severity of your symptoms. In addition to drug treatments, there are a few healthy choices to help your bones and joints heal and protect.

In this article, we’ll tell you about two different diets designed with bones and joints in mind. Whether you suffer from osteoarthritis, joint pain, or osteoporosis, you can follow the tips in these diets to improve your overall condition.

Diet to improve bones and joints

Bones and joints naturally weaken over time, and joint mobility and skeletal function may experience fatigue, pain, and decreased mobility. It may not always be a chronic illness, but if you experience sudden pain or symptoms in your joints or bones, you should discuss this with your doctor first before trying home treatments. The earlier these ailments are treated, the better their prognosis.

1. A cleansing diet

oatmeal with apple


Before you can begin strengthening bones and joints, it is important to cleanse your body of toxins that accumulate in the cartilage. Toxins and waste products accelerate the progression of diseases and the destruction of cartilage.

Follow this diet plan for seven days every other month.


Enjoy a glass of warm lemon water half an hour before breakfast.

For breakfast you can enjoy:

  • 1 cup of green tea
  • prepared fruit salad: 15 grapes and two slices of fresh pineapple
  • 1 glass of peach juice
  • 1 glass of almond milk
  • 1 bowl of oatmeal with green apple slices

Lunch and dinner

Both lunch and dinner should include plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as enough protein and carbohydrates.

We especially recommend the following foods:

  • Steamed broccoli
  • Raw or steamed carrots together with whole grain rice and corn
  • Fried eggplant
  • Sandwich: tomato, avocado and onion on wholemeal bread
  • Apple and beetroot juice and a garlic-flavored omelet

2. Regenerative diet

warming soup

This regenerating diet enhances cell regeneration and repairs damaged tissue. The diet contains all the important nutrient groups and enzymes needed to repair cartilage and strengthen bones.

The diet gives you all the vitamins, minerals and proteins your body needs to keep your bones strong and your joints flexible.

Follow this diet for two weeks and repeat every other month.


As soon as you wake up, enjoy a tablespoon of olive oil mixed with a few drops of fresh lemon juice. Allow the oil to soak in peace for half an hour before breakfast.

  • 2 dl smoothies: almond milk, papaya, pineapple and banana
  • 2 slices of wholemeal bread, spread on top of two tablespoons of almond butter

Lunch and dinner

These two meals should include filling foods that are low in calories.

Choose two or three of these foods to eat for both lunch and dinner:

  • Boiled lentils with whole grain rice and sunflower seeds
  • Fried cod with tomatoes
  • Salad of tuna and chickpeas
  • Carrot soup
  • Fried chicken breast seasoned with lime juice
  • Boiled egg
  • Tomatoes stuffed with mackerel and egg paste
  • Fried salmon seasoned with lemon juice
  • Garlic mushrooms
  • Sandwich: sardines, cheese, avocado and carrots


Gelatin-containing desserts are the perfect option to improve joint health. Even if you prepare jelly from fresh fruits and berries, you especially prefer foods high in vitamin C, such as lemon and kiwi.

Remember this!

remember exercise!

For best results, it is recommended to avoid soft drinks, processed foods and sugar. Increase your intake of vegetables, light meat products and fruits. Be sure to drink at least two gallons of water a day and also prefer plant-based milk drinks that are full of magnesium and calcium.

Remember that exercise is an important part of joint mobility and bone strength. Joint pain can limit movement, and jogging may not be a possible form of exercise for you – try gentle forms of exercise such as swimming, yoga and cycling instead . Ask your doctor which sports are safe for you.

Take a moment every day to do light exercise and also remember to stretch properly. Together with this fortifying diet, you will significantly improve your bone and joint health.

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