4 Things You Should Never Tell Your Doctor

Don’t forget that your doctor is a medical professional. Because of this, he knows all the steps that need to be taken to diagnose the problem.
4 things you should never tell your doctor

Maybe you are one of those people who searches for their symptoms on internet search engines. Then you imagine in advance everything you want to tell your doctor. Remember that your doctor can make a diagnosis without your help, or with the help of Google.

A doctor is also just a human being

Have you forgotten how many years a doctor has had to study to graduate? You should not take their profession lightly.

Because of respect, there are certain things you shouldn’t say in front of them. You don’t want to offend these capable people who are dedicated to saving lives.

Before going to the doctor, the only thing you should do is make an appointment. Don’t worry about using technical words. Your doctor understands what you are saying to him. Remember that your doctor is also just a human being.

There are people who are afraid of wasting time going to the doctor’s office. There are also those who don’t want to spend money on something they can diagnose themselves.

Among the things you probably shouldn’t tell your doctor are:

1. “I’m sure it’s…”

a doctor can diagnose without Google

We live in a time of technology. This makes background research easier for us. When our head hurts, we turn to  Dr. Google With just one click, we think we know everything.

When your partner forces you to go to a specialist, you usually use this first sentence.

You think you know everything. Also, you may not think that your doctor will help at all. You may decide to close your mind. You may think that Internet search has told you everything.

If this happens, it is possible that you will never get better.

Doctors have studied a lot to get their titles. They are experienced. If you say you looked at your symptoms online, they feel you don’t trust their professionalism.

There are several medical related articles written by doctors.  Personal meetings lead to better results.  Prior to consulting a doctor, several patients have already diagnosed themselves.

This would not be a problem if these diagnoses were often wrong. A bloody nose doesn’t always mean you have an allergy. There can be several reasons for this.

It is necessary to go through the protocol.  This leads to a medical diagnosis.

2. “This is due to stress”

your doctor will tell you if the symptoms are due to stress

It has been medically proven that stress can cause illness. Cancer and heart problems are examples of this. However, you can’t always blame stress for your current symptoms.

For example, a headache is not just caused by stress. When you feel pain in your forehead, talk to your doctor. This is a sign that something is happening to your health. Your body sends you a message. 

If your problem is stress, your doctor will not hesitate to suggest lifestyle changes that you should make.

3. “I think this is a waste of time”

It is normal for people to feel like they are wasting time visiting their doctor. Patiently waiting is almost impossible when you have work to do. 

There is another excuse not to visit your doctor and waste your time. Maybe you imagine that the diagnosis you get is the same as what you imagine you have. 

Among the modern professions, being a doctor is the one that requires the most education of all. They see several patients who just complain to them and don’t listen to their advice. Still, they take care of your health. They also take care of the people they care for. They are more patient than their own patients. 

chest pain

Some people aggravate their illnesses by not following the recommendations of their doctors. We never hear a doctor say “this is a waste of time.” Instead, they return and meet the patient as if it were their first time.

Don’t think you’ve wasted time visiting a consultation. It is not a bad thing to go for an inspection. If you feel like something is wrong, go talk about it.

Cardiologist Suzanne Steinbaum, director of women’s heart health at Lenox Hill in New York, says:

4. “Are you sure you’re a doctor?”

doctor and patient

This phrase is very annoying to anyone. As we said, doctors are people. They are not robots. They have emotions just like everyone else. You have to be careful how you express yourself in front of them. Treat them with the same respect  you want for yourself.

Actively listen to what your doctor has to say.  It may be that if you don’t think he’s a professional, you won’t listen to everything he says.

If you didn’t understand everything, talk to them in a civilized way. There is no need to offend them. This is true even if your doctor doesn’t really want to listen to you. If this happens, it is better to find another doctor.

Be aware of what you say

You are the master of what you hide. However, you are the slave to what you say.  Once the words come out of your mouth, you can’t control how they affect other people.

A simple phrase like the ones we’ve talked about above will hurt even these awesome professionals. Think about what you are going to say, and maintain a good relationship with your doctor. Remember that your doctor is ultimately the professional who can help you treat your health problem.

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