5 Common Errors In Hydration

There are five common mistakes associated with hydration. Believe it or not, it is very easy to drift into these habits without realizing it yourself.
5 common errors in hydration

In order to maintain a good quality of life and avoid getting sick,  you need to make sure you drink enough fluids. While many people don’t care about this fact and make mistakes in hydration, the right kind of hydration is essential for all organs to function properly.

A dry body begins to indicate a failure of major organ functions. This can lead to physical as well as mental problems. In addition to drinking enough water, staying hydrated depends on other factors that many people tend to forget.

1. Limit the use of sodium

not too much salt

It is true that one of the main recommendations of doctors is to monitor sodium consumption. A diet rich in this mineral can cause chronic problems with fluid retention as well as chronic high blood pressure.

However, that does not mean that sodium is the enemy  and should be completely eliminated from the diet. Too little sodium can also cause adverse effects.

  • Poor absorption of this mineral or its excessive loss through sweating  makes it difficult to replace fluids, even if you drink enough water.
  • Heat and humidity are conditions where it is more important to drink enough fluids and get enough salt.

2. Excessive water intake

neither too much nor too little water

While inadequate water intake can certainly cause dehydration, excessive water intake can  also have negative effects.

Excessive drinking of water or any other fluid can  overload the urinary system and increase the risk of inflammation and infections.

The body is not prepared to process anything excessively,  not even water. The appropriate amount of water depends on age, weight, habits and weather.

3. Insufficient intake of magnesium and potassium

liquefaction must take into account minerals and trace elements

People who enjoy sports or any physical activity and consume a lot of energy should make sure that they get the  right amount of magnesium and potassium.

These essential minerals play a significant role in body hydration as well as muscle health. Their deficiency can impair proper cell hydration  as well as electrolyte balance.

If you lack another mineral,  you are at a higher risk of suffering from muscle cramps, pain, and other symptoms of dehydration. 

  • In general, it is recommended to eat fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals  to ensure proper absorption.

4. Drinking sugary drinks

errors in body hydration: soft drinks

Many people think that the body can be hydrated by drinking soft drinks or sugary fruit juices.

While they may quench your thirst, their ingredients are far from healthy for your body.

  • These drinks are full of sugar as well as added chemical ingredients that can cause dehydration instead of hydrating the cells  .
  • They also lack  quality nutrients. While some may say they are made from fruit, they do not have the same characteristics as fresh fruit.
  • Many contain stimulant ingredients  that can cause unwanted health effects.

5. Ignoring the signs given by the body

errors in hydration can cause headaches

Sometimes you may think you are hydrating yourself well, but in reality you are not doing so. There are many factors that take part in this process and because of that it is no wonder that when you make a blunder, you can drift into a certain level of dehydration.

Even though your  body sends you many signals,  you may not always pay attention to them or understand what they are trying to say.

The most worrying thing is when you let them grow and get worse and you finally realize the existence of the problem after it has already caused considerable damage.

  • Symptoms such as  changes in urine output or urinary tract infections  can be signs that your body does not have enough fluid or electrolytes.
  • They can also present as  persistent headaches, feeling thirsty, and muscle cramps.
  • Some people suffer from  lowering heart rate and fainting.

If these symptoms occur, it is important that you drink a sports drink with small but repeated sips.

After this, you should  start with a reasonable and gradual hydration plan. You should not exaggerate about it and overload your stomach with fluids.

Did you realize you made some of the above mistakes in hydration? If so, try to  fix them as soon as possible  so you don’t suffer the consequences we listed.

Keep in mind that if you play sports or work in a place where you consume a lot of energy, you should supplement your hydration plan  to ensure that you keep your body properly hydrated. The same is true if you suffer from an illness.

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