5 Drinks To Avoid And Options For Them

5 drinks to avoid and options for them

Do you already know the effects of sugary, carbonated energy drinks and juice-based drinks? Many people drink them daily without knowing their health hazards. In this article, we present five avoidable drinks and their natural and healthy alternatives that will get you the same benefits without any negative health effects.

5 drinks to avoid

White sugar contains no nutrients at all and many nutritionists today consider it a poison. It contains so-called empty calories, which are to blame for gaining weight and contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes as well as tooth destruction. White sugar also acidifies your blood and strips the body of minerals. Calcium loses its strength, weakening teeth and bones.

Healthier alternatives to white sugar:

  • Dark sugar
  • Honey
  • Molasses
  • Maple syrup
  • Agave syrup
  • Whole grain molasses (rice, barley, etc.)
  • Fruit syrup (apple, pear, etc.)

Light drinks can be even more dangerous than candied ones, as they most often contain aspartame, which is potentially a carcinogen. These have fewer calories, but that doesn’t make them healthier.

The best option right now is stevia. This plant contains many natural properties, and is significantly sweeter than sugar and does not contain calories. Its characteristic taste is somewhat reminiscent of licorice, which is suitable for many teas. If you find the taste unnecessarily harsh, you can use purified stevia. It does not contain inherent benefits, but it is not dangerous either.

Stevia is a healthy sweetener

A simple, light and tasty option is a lemonade sweetened with stevia. Mix the squeezed organic lemon with water and strain. Then add the desired amount of stevia as well as mint if desired.

Carbonated drinks increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a study by the University of Boston. If you have heart problems or have a family history of heart problems, avoid these drinks.

Over time, heavy consumption of these beverages can cause chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart, or liver, as well as metabolic diseases.

Ready-made juices are not a healthy option for everyday life. They are a good alternative to the aforementioned drinks every now and then, but don’t drink them daily. They contain poor quality ingredients, preservatives and frequently added sugars. Even by tasting fresh as well as artificial juice, you will notice the difference in their flavors.

You can choose from the store a pressed whole juice with no added sugars, but it is best to make the juice yourself. This is the most vitamin- and mineral-rich option of all, and you can prepare it in a blender, for example. Try different options and add, for example, mint, ginger, cinnamon, etc.

carrot juice

Drinks containing guarana and other stimulants can alter your biorhythms and affect the nervous system. It is especially important for children to avoid energy drinks, especially if they are otherwise overactive or if they have difficulty concentrating.

Coffee and tea are significantly better options for your health. However, if you suffer from insomnia and nervousness, avoid these, especially after noon.

It can be hard to believe that the best energy drinks are natural juices. You can also add the following supplements:

  • Pollen
  • Beer yeast
  • Wheat germ
  • Honey
  • Maca
  • Spirulina
  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon

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