5 Healthy Breakfasts To Start The Day Energetically

One way to make sure you eat a healthy breakfast and don’t choose foods that are full of empty calories is to prepare the ingredients in advance.
5 healthy breakfasts to start the day energetically

A healthy breakfast is one of those ways that helps keep you physically and mentally in tune. Although breakfast is often not given enough attention,  the first meal of the day is the most important. Today we are sharing tips for easy breakfasts so you too can enjoy a healthy breakfast every day of the week!

Enjoy a healthy breakfast every day

The nutrients obtained in the morning help to restore the body’s energy resources and cope with the day. They also boost your metabolism, which is very important to keep your weight stable and in healthy readings.

However, not everyone chooses good foods for breakfast, or replaces the first meal of the day with just coffee because of the rush. That’s why we now present five varied and healthy breakfast ideas – with these recipes, you can enjoy a healthy breakfast every day of the week!

1. Light breakfast

enjoy a healthy breakfast as sandwiches

However, even if you want to reduce your calories, don’t skip breakfast. Instead of starving all morning, enjoy a healthy breakfast and choose this satisfying option with only 200 kilocalories.


  • One cup of tea of ​​your choice.
  • Vegetable sandwich with wholemeal bread, lettuce, tomato and cream cheese.

2. Anti-stress breakfast

A long and stressful work day ahead? In that case, choose this delicious, energizing breakfast (225 kilocalories) with anti-stress properties.

Its ingredients contain nutrients that support hormonal balance, which helps keep emotions under control.


  • One cup of green tea
  • 1 pear
  • A bowl of whole grains with oat milk

3. Concentrating breakfast

oats and milk

If everyday requires a lot of concentration, try the next breakfast, which is full of important nutrients. It has more calories than previous breakfast options (about 470 kilocalories), but it’s a great way to overcome morning fatigue and keep your mind in tune.


  • 1 glass of skim milk
  • A bowl of oatmeal with dried fruit
  • 1 apple or banana

4. Heart-friendly breakfast

Is your cholesterol level or blood pressure high? If you suffer from heart problems, prepare this breakfast to take care of your heart.

This breakfast is rich in fiber and antioxidants to help balance arterial fat and strengthen heart muscle.


  • One cup of green tea
  • One serving of wholemeal bread with tuna
  • A handful of nuts
  • 1 kiwi

5. Athlete’s breakfast

don't forget to eat a healthy breakfast

If you are an athlete or you do a lot of strenuous exercise, prepare a breakfast with fast carbs to give you energy.

This breakfast, which also has protein and antioxidants, helps improve physical performance.


  • 1 glass of orange juice
  • A slice of wholemeal bread with a slice of ham
  • A handful of dried fruits with a teaspoon of honey

Why not skip a healthy breakfast

Many skip breakfast in the hope of losing weight, as it seems like a simple way to drop a few pounds. However, this is not the case. Skipping breakfast may actually make you fat.

Lack of energy causes the metabolism to slow down and lead to the accumulation of fat. In addition, the feeling of hunger grows hard within hours, causing you to eat too many calories at one time.

Other consequences of skipping breakfast include:

  • Difficulty concentrating and remembering things
  • Fatigue or drowsiness
  • Anxiety, stress and emotional distress
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Impaired immune system
  • Digestive problems
  • Nutrient deficiencies

Tips for busy mornings

woman hawking bread

It doesn’t take much time to enjoy a full and healthy breakfast . In fact, it is guaranteed to succeed with these simple tips:

  • Wake up 15-20 minutes earlier than usual. This will give you time to prepare breakfast.
  • Plan your breakfast a week in advance. If you write down what you plan to eat, you can put the ingredients for breakfast ready in advance.
  • Prepare a smoothie. They are quick to prepare and make a full breakfast by mixing different ingredients.

Try the recipes in this article, and soon you too will be able to enjoy a healthy breakfast as part of your daily routine!

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