5 Natural Treatments To Revitalize Strained Muscles

Exercise and health problems can cause muscle strain. In this case, it is important to take action to reduce the strain so that the daily chores are not complicated.
5 natural treatments to revitalize strained muscles

Maybe you’ve only recently started going to the gym, or maybe you’re having trouble sleeping. Or maybe you’ve just used your muscles more than usual. In any case, you should do something to revitalize the strained muscles to make you feel better.

Now we give five good treatments to revitalize strained muscles!

What causes the muscles to strain?

Sometimes when you get out of bed in the morning, you may feel like there is nothing about moving. You try all sorts of moves, but nothing works and everything requires an awful lot of energy. In this case, the problem is probably excessive muscle strain.

In fact, muscle fatigue is not always the cause of poor exercise or too strenuous things – it can also be caused by chronic fatigue, which is mainly an ailment experienced by women. Another possible cause is a decrease in resistance or certain diseases, such as muscular dystrophy and inflammatory myopathy.

The possibility of arthritis or osteoarthritis cannot be ruled out,  as these conditions can also cause muscle strain. If a woman has already experienced or is just going through her menopause, she may be deficient in calcium in her body. The lack of that mineral stimulates muscle contraction and sometimes causes pain or exhaustion.

What can be done to revitalize strained muscles?

you can drink water to revitalize strained muscles

If muscle fatigue is due to exercise or other strenuous activity, it is important to give the muscles time to rest and recover. You should wait 24-48 hours before exercising again.

In this case, one should try to sleep well and avoid any strenuous physical activity. Instead of exercising, stretch your muscles while breathing deeply.

If your muscles are exhausted due to exercise, you can try the cold-hot technique for ten minutes. This will allow you to treat your muscles if they are not inflamed.  Otherwise, it is best to use only ice, not heat at all.

Food is also a very important factor in reducing the strain your muscles experience: enjoy foods that contain complex proteins such as legumes, dairy products and meat. This will give you the amino acids you need to recover properly.

Also, don’t forget proper hydration. As you have probably read and heard before, you should drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day.

Home treatments to reduce muscle strain

If your muscles are really exhausted, you should also try natural treatments. These treatments help increase energy and promote the body’s recovery. Make a note of the following recipes that are good help for revitalizing strained muscles.

1. Oat-banana-honey smoothie

It is very important to consume carbohydrates as they nourish the body and can prevent or reduce excessive muscle strain.

You can enjoy this milkshake made of oats, bananas and honey for breakfast, after sports and even in the middle of the morning. This will allow you to effectively reduce muscle fatigue.


  • 1 banana
  • 3 teaspoons honey
  • 100 g of oatmeal


  • Soak the oatmeal in warm water for a few minutes.
  • Then put them in a blender with banana and honey.
  • Mix the ingredients to a smooth and creamy liquid. You can add water, milk or plant milk if you wish.
  • Then you can already enjoy your delicious smoothie!

2. Spinach-melon-grape lesothie

This is just the perfect drink to relieve muscle strain.  Spinach strengthens tissues and is rich in calcium. Melon, on the other hand, provides fluid, is quickly absorbed and is rich in vitamins and minerals. Grapes, on the other hand, get a lot of magnesium, potassium, and several antioxidants that improve your physical performance.


  • 10 grapes
  • 1 glass of water
  • A handful of raw spinach leaves
  • 150 g of melon


  • Wash the spinach well.
  • Cut the melon into small pieces and put all the ingredients in a blender.
  • Drink your smoothies in the morning – it would be best to enjoy it on an empty stomach.

3. Ginger stew

The taste and aroma of ginger are really delicious. It allows you to relieve muscle pain, among other things. You can use ginger, for example, in salads, cakes and soups, but above all you should use it in the preparation of a stew.


  • 15 g of ginger root chopped
  • 1 glass of water


  • Put the ginger in water and bring to a boil.
  • Let the water boil for ten minutes.
  • Take the ginger out of the liquid and enjoy the stew when it is very hot – however, make sure the liquid is not burning! Enjoy the bath before going to bed.

4. Maca powder

maca powder

Maca or Andean cress, as its name implies, originates from South America. It has an energizing effect and is also rich in vitamin B. You can get it in different forms, but we recommend maca powder. It can then be added to, for example, fruit juice or smoothie – or even cheese sandwich!

  • To get the most out of maca, you should enjoy 1-3 tablespoons a day.
  • However, if you enjoy maca daily, skip one day a week.

5. Ginseng stew

One good natural solution to reduce muscle fatigue is this plant, which can be used in the form of both dry root and tablets. You can make a drink from dry ginseng root that is rich in vitamins and minerals. This stew helps muscles recover.


  • 250 ml of water
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginseng root
  • Optional ingredient: 1 teaspoon honey


  • To get a ginseng stew, grind one gram of root and mix it with a cup of boiling water.
  • After letting the drink stand for five minutes, enjoy it as hot as possible (but watch out for burns in your mouth!).
  • You can sweeten your drink with a small amount of honey.

Talk to your doctor about muscle strain

If you find that you experience muscle fatigue often, you should discuss the matter with your doctor. This will give you clarity about your situation and at the same time allow your doctor to give more specific treatment advice.

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