5 Reasons For Night Sweats To Consider

Night sweats are not necessarily a sign of a serious illness. But if you have night sweats frequently for no apparent reason, we recommend visiting a doctor’s office.
5 reasons for night sweats that need to be considered

Night sweats are normal when the temperature and air pressure are high. If the air is not like this, excessive sweating can be a symptom of something whose cause needs to be found.

Believe it or not, excessive sweating at night is very common. Sometimes we experience this when we are recovering from the flu or we have a small inflammation. In addition to this, night sweats are common during menopause.

However, it is important to get the right diagnosis for night sweats. An organization called the International Hyperhidrosis Society is conducting research to raise awareness of the problem.

Anyone who experiences night sweats will not suffer from excessive sweating.  In many cases, the cause of excessive sweating is insomnia, stress, or anxiety due to poor sleep.

But in some cases, hidden diseases that are relatively serious can be the cause of this condition. These diseases should be treated. Below we tell you more about 5 reasons that can cause excessive sweating.

1. Nocturnal sweating as a side effect of medications

Excessive sweating at night can very well be a side effect of certain types of medications.

The Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania showed that many treatments and medications for anxiety and depression lead to increased night sweats. 

However, this side effect does not occur in all patients, only in 14-20% of cases. By excessive sweating, we mean that the nightgown and sheets are wet due to sweating.

Likewise, excessive taking of painkillers can cause this side effect.

So do not hesitate to talk to your doctor about any symptoms or side effects that you think are related to the medicines you are taking.

medications can cause night sweats

2. Hyperthyroidism

This is without a doubt the most common cause of night sweats.

Hyperthyroidism causes many different symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, weakening of the capillaries, and changes in body temperature, which are quite common.

When diagnosing this ailment, the above symptoms are also easier to notice than night sweats.

We should keep in mind that when the thyroid gland causes a change in the level of the hormone thyroxine, this affects the metabolism. One of the main consequences is a decrease in heat resistance and excessive sweating.

In addition to this, we may experience palpitations while in bed, ringing in the ears, and periods of insomnia.

3. Hodgkin’s disease or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

At the beginning of the article, we reported that in some cases, night sweats are a symptom of certain types of more serious illnesses.

  • Hodgkin’s disease and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma are examples of such serious diseases. These diseases are cancers that start in the lymphocytes, which are an essential part of the immune system.
  • Excessive sweating, which is common in these diseases, can affect the lymphatic system. This vasculature consists of lymphatic tissue, lymphatic vessels and spleen.
  • In general, the greatest symptoms experienced by patients with Hodgkin’s disease or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma are  swollen lymph cells in the armpits or swollen groin.

However, it is important to remember that this type of disease responds well to treatment and has a good survival prognosis.

The doctor examines the woman's neck

4. Hypoglycemia

Night sweats are also a common symptom in people with hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. 

For example, patients with type 1 diabetes often experience persistent episodes of excessive night sweats. This is because they may have unbalanced glucose levels.

If this happens, it is for a specific reason: the pancreas does not secrete insulin. As a result, the body begins to sweat excessively to restore balance to this internal change.

5. Heartburn or indigestion

Surely this following situation has happened to you in the past: you eat too much or you eat something that makes you feel bad. Then at some point in the night you wake up uncomfortable and you are quite soaked.

  • The description above is how your body responds to an imbalance, threat, or internal change.
  • In addition, we should keep in mind that  reflux disease is also associated with this symptom. 
  • You may feel exhausted, experience chest pain, and you may have difficulty breathing when you suffer from this condition. If you have these symptoms and experience them often, see a doctor.
  • Once the disease is diagnosed, it can be treated.

Therefore, never consider this type of symptom normal. Excessive night sweats are not normal if your room is not hot.

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