5 Steps To Calm The Restless Mind

Although difficult to control in the beginning, over time it is possible to learn to deal with a restless mind and turn off the noise you experience so that you can achieve inner peace.
5 steps to calm the restless mind

A restless mind does not allow for reconciliation, nor does it rest.  You jump from one concern to another, and you switch from fear to anxiety. Slowly, you end up weaving intricate networks in your brain that take away from you that awesome privilege called inner peace.

Some people may think that a restless mind means a person is curious and productive. While it is true that inner energy sometimes reflects a desire to learn, most of the time, however, this restlessness is just a noise in the mind. These are, in fact, confusion, exhaustion, and unhappiness.

It is often said that there is no  “worse enemy than the one man creates in his own mind”. But instead of seeing the matter entirely as a person’s own responsibility, this internal stress should be seen as a complex combination of several factors.

So here are some suggestions to keep in mind so you can more easily find a sense of calm and inner peace. This is something that requires only one vital thing: willpower.

A restless mind and a restless sea inside a man’s head

One of the most well-known books regarding the complex situations in which the noise of the human mind is linked to depression  is Kay Jamison ’s “ An Unquiet Mind”. A psychiatrist from the University of Johns Hopkins in Baltimore explains the topic in this interesting book:

“As a young girl, I was always prone to emotional instability. Grief was with me throughout my youth, and when I started working, I fell into a circle of fear, anxiety, and restlessness that I couldn’t get away with and that barely allowed me to live, ” Jamison says in his book .

So keep in mind that if you identify yourself with these words, the following 5 things will help you, which can bring great relief to your situation.


1. Get rid of unnecessary ballast so you can find inner peace

You carry that weight around, even if you can’t see your burden. As soon as you start to see the weight in your mind, you will feel better.

quarreling couple
  • You may be surrounded by  people who, instead of giving you energy, take it away from you.
  • You may prioritize things that are of no use to you.
  • Understand that less is always more.

2. Stop for a minute and breathe – turn off the noise in your mind

The past is already gone. It cannot be modified and the future does not yet exist. So focus your attention on this moment that you have right now.

  • Stop and breathe. Pull in deep, and hold your breath for five seconds. Then let the air out slowly.
  • This simple exercise will – believe it or not – free your mind. It brings oxygen to your brain and helps you feel calm.
  • When your body feels good, it’s time to get in touch with yourself.
  • Then humbly ask yourself the following: What do you want? What are you looking for? What don’t you want? Where are you going?

It’s a good idea to repeat this every day as soon as you wake up in the morning.

breathe and calm your restless mind


3. Erect protective walls for yourself

The restless mind suffers as it is very vulnerable. It lets in external concerns, as well as egos and the aspirations of the people around them.

When negative energy disrupts your inner peace, it combines with your personal weaknesses. This is a very bad combination.

You need to build your own firewalls. Do it as follows:

  • Take distance from things that don’t bring you harmony. You don’t want selfish people around you, nor do you want bad aspirations.
  • Build walls against people who will bring you a storm on quiet days.
  • Build walls against people who don’t respect you. Forgive them, but let them go.

4. Calmness heals

At least once a day (for an hour and a half or two) you should wrap yourself in complete silence.

  • These moments when you experience inner peace and serenity allow you to connect with your own needs, and then you can calm your restless mind.
  • Nervous minds jumping from one concern to another have forgotten to take care of themselves. They no longer remember how valuable or important that person himself is.
  • Relax in silence and turn off your fears and inner voices. Allow yourself to be surrounded by emotions such as contentment and inner peace, as well as a balance of heart and mind.
The restless mind calms down with yoga

5. Develop gratitude

This thing is the one we describe that is without a doubt the most difficult to implement.

Relax and think about the following:

  • If you feel unwell because of people who don’t love you, take a distance from them. This may be a simple solution, but it still requires courage.
  • If you’re uncomfortable, implement a little thought game: choose that you’re not the way you are. Turn those emotions off, and remember that you are valuable.
  • Say thank you for all the little things that surround you and that you may have overlooked.
  • Give praise that you are fit physically and that you have people by your side who you love and who also love you.
  • Learn to be grateful for each new day. New opportunities appear on the horizon every day so you can reach your goals.

Be happy, be calm, be balanced.

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