6 Best Alkaline Foods

Ingesting foods that have an alkaline effect keeps the body’s pH in balance. An overly acidic body can cause many different health problems.
The 6 best alkaline foods

Did you know that blood pH should always stay in balance? Normal pH prevents the development of dangerous diseases. Many of the negative health effects are due to excessive acidity, which in turn is caused by eating poor quality food.

Unfortunately, grocery store shelves today are full of foods that raise the body’s acidity level and are high in calories. Bleached flour, processed food and red meat are just some of the foods that cause harm to the body.

When you add stress and environmental pollution to the harmful effects of foods, your body is already really in trouble. So is it any wonder that an increasing proportion of people are ill or suffering from health problems?

Fortunately, eating alkaline foods can balance your body’s pH and prevent the side effects of food. When you eat alkaline foods that are high in antioxidants and important nutrients enough, you will be much better off.

Below you will find the six best foods that improve the alkalinity of the body.

The best alkaline foods

1. Spinach


alkaline foods: spinach

Spinach is rich in nutrients: it contains vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. In addition, spinach is full of leafy green, which is an inherently alkaline substance that balances the pH of the blood.

By eating spinach you get:

  • Vitamins (A, C, B2, B9, E and K)
  • Minerals (manganese, magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium)
  • Highly digestible fiber

2. Cabbage

Like spinach, kale has a basic effect on the body. In addition, kale cleanses the body and reduces the amount of cholesterol in the bloodstream.

Flaxseed is rich in antioxidants that prevent cellular oxidation and harmful cellular changes that can later develop into cancer cells.

Kale is still a relatively unknown ingredient and is not used as much as spinach, for example. However, kale is one of the best alkaline foods.

From the magazine you get:

  • Vitamins (A, C and K)
  • Glucosinolates
  • Leaf green
  • Minerals (potassium, zinc and iron)

3. Cucumber


alkaline foods: cucumber

The cucumber is made up of 95% water. Cucumber contains very few calories, it hydrates the body effectively and takes care of e.g. skin and hair. In addition, cucumber is a naturally alkaline food.

Cucumber is rich in important antioxidants, such as lignans, whose effect prevents chronic diseases.

Cucumber is a versatile food that is especially suitable for fresh salads, on top of bread or as a snack food. Cucumber can also be used to make fresh soup for summer parties. Adding cucumber to your diet balances your body’s pH.

Cucumber contains the following nutrients:

  • Vitamins (A, C, K, and B)
  • Minerals (magnesium, selenium, copper, potassium, iron and zinc)

4. Broccoli

Everyone should eat at least four servings of broccoli a week. Broccoli is an inexpensive and versatile food that is suitable for many different meals.

Broccoli produces leafy greens, antioxidants and fiber, which reduces blood acidity and removes waste products. Broccoli is suitable for improving the health of the circulatory system, enhancing metabolism and strengthening the defense system.

From broccoli you get mm:

  • Vitamins (A, B2, B6, B9 and K)
  • Minerals (manganese, potassium, magnesium and calcium)
  • Protein

5. Avocado


alkaline foods: avocado

Avocado is high in healthy fat and fiber. Many avoid avocados because they are high in calories – up to 85% of the calories in avocados come from fat. Avocado can be eaten even every day, as long as it is ingested in moderation. Avocado a day improves your overall health and can even help reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol in your bloodstream.

The compounds in avocado lower the acidity of the body and keep the pH in balance. Ingestion of avocados also prevents inflammation and irritation.

Avocados are available in:

  • Fiber
  • Vitamins (B5, B6, B9, C and K)
  • Potassium

6. Lemon

Lemon has a sour taste, so many imagine it to have an acidifying effect on the body. However, lemon is alkaline in composition and equalizes body pH values. Lemon is one of the most basic foods.

Lemon has a pH of 9.0 and helps make the blood more alkaline during digestion.

You can also get:

  • Vitamins (A, C and E)
  • Minerals (potassium, iron, zinc and magnesium)
  • Fiber
  • Antioxidants

The foods on this list are just some of the alkaline foods worth eating. Prefer these foods in your daily diet and replace them with foods that increase your body’s acidity.

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