7 Tips For Supermother

The “super mother” is more than just a mother who balances between the whole family and work responsibilities; she is also an alert mother who understands that it is healthy to share some tasks to make everything work …
7 tips for supermother

Is being a super mother possible? In this article, we give seven tips for supermothers!

Motherhood can be really heavy when it faces the challenges that many women face in their work and lives.

One important tip for a super mom is that the mom doesn’t have to worry about everything. Keeping your home tidy, taking care of children, raising children, working, being with a partner, and finding time for yourself… It has a lot to do for one person.

However, that is still the goal of many women. Could it be that we expect too much from ourselves?

7 tips for supermother

The basis of being a supermother is to avoid yourself from overflowing perfection because it just doesn’t exist.

Based on this fundamental premise, we will give you 7 tips that are essential for you to travel successfully and happily toward a more alert motherhood.

1. Love and forgive

The love you feel for your family is fundamental. However, children always want to hear “I love you” from their parents. That can never be said too much. However, you also have to prove it.


Set aside time to play with them, study together, and be with the family. Be tight with boundaries so they grow healthy, and give them the smooth and well-timed conversation they need.

Family dynamics must also include forgiveness. There will be many moments when mistakes are made. However, apology and forgiveness for growing up as a person are part of awakened motherhood.

2. Put important things first

7 tips for supermother - prioritize things.

Organize your calendar and day and prioritize only the most important things. If you need to get some work done and you know when you need to take your kids to school, make sure you have time to be effective and take care of your work responsibilities.

There are technical aids that can help you organize your duties as a woman. Just put it first in order of importance and remember the things you shouldn’t forget.

You can save yourself from visiting the bank by making bank transfers electronically and you can organize your email so that you can take care of all the essentials first.

3. Plan your homework

Homework should be shared among all family members.

Everyone can do homework according to their age, strength and abilities. You can organize your homework on a calendar divided among everyone to do. Obsession with order and purity is not healthy, nor is disorder and filth. However, make sure you are not a mother who favors machoing. Also let Dad do the housework. 

4. Share your time

In addition to homework,  you need to set aside time to be together with your family. At least one meal a day should be enjoyed along with the television and phones closed. Family meals promote the physical and mental health of children and young people.

Make time for each child, your spouse and, of course, yourself.

Remember: you can save for tomorrow what you didn’t do today, but postponing it doesn’t mean forgetting it.

5. Laugh and cry

The mother can combine both family and work life, but she must also remember to take her own time.

There are both good and bad moments in family life. Supermother enjoys family company and shares the joy of being together.

Smile after a hard day’s work. However, don’t be afraid to share your grief with your partner and children during difficult times.

Sharing emotions, feeling and acting in the right way are part of the learning that a supermother offers to her children. Children see it daily as examples given by their mother  rather than theorizing about it.

6. Pay attention to Dad

In the midst of the hectic everyday life, remember your spouse as well.

The super mother cares and appreciates the man who gave life to her children. 

Share things with your partner, whether it’s homework or parenting.

If a couple is divorced, it does not mean that the children should not have contact with the father. Even in cases where the father is absent and does not fulfill his responsibilities, the supermother avoids cultivating resentment and anger in the children. Interpersonal problems between couples should not damage their relationship with their children. 

7. Take care of yourself

Remember to take care of yourself as well.

You have to take care of your children, but also of yourself.

Also,  if you want your children to eat healthily and exercise from a young age, setting an example is the best way to do it.

If you feel that family responsibilities are taking over or you don’t know how to cope with the difficult situations that come with it, don’t hesitate to seek help from a professional.

Your  mental and emotional balance also depends on the well-being of your children. 

One last reflection for the supermother

Being a super mother doesn’t mean being “super strong”. The most important part of waking motherhood is accepting and recognizing that you need support and help. Identification is when it’s time to share tasks. That acceptance and recognition reflects the real power to raise your children.

It is especially important for mothers who need to raise children alone. Remember:  helping hands are always around; a grandmother, brother or sister who can give you the support you need. 

Your children need your care and guidance to grow. A super mother loves, supports, encourages, understands, and over time  allows her children to take responsibility for their own destiny  and live according to their own decisions.

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