8 Cholesterol-lowering Ways In Cooking

In order to lower your cholesterol, you should use methods that do not involve frying. For example, try cooking or grilling food in the oven to avoid getting too much fat from your diet.

Cholesterol is a lipid that your body needs to function in the  best way as it is part of the production of certain hormones, digestive acids and body structures. Your liver produces it inside your body, but cholesterol is absorbed by eating foods that contain it.

There is good and bad cholesterol

While it is very important to get cholesterol in order for your health to stay good, it can become a dangerous enemy if it gets out of control. Excessively high levels may increase the risk of cardiovascular, liver and kidney problems.

Many suffer unknowingly from elevated cholesterol. And as with many other diseases, elevated cholesterol levels do not appear with visible symptoms in the early stages of the problem.

Therefore, doctors recommend regular check-ups and keeping your diet balanced, which includes controlling fat and calories.

Here are six good tips to help you start lowering cholesterol in your food – incorporate these tricks into your daily routines in the kitchen, and you can significantly improve your health!

1. Margarine raises cholesterol

margarine raises cholesterol

Margarine is a product high in cholesterol and saturated fat.

If you eat it regularly, it can cause  an imbalance in the amount of lipids in your blood, as well as cardiovascular disease such as atherosclerosis.

To reduce or avoid eating margarine, we recommend replacing it with vegetable oils such as the following:

  • sunflower oil
  • olive oil
  • rapeseed oil
  • safflower oil
  • avocado oil

2. Switch sauces to better options

The ready-made sauces and broths you use to spice up your meals may contain high amounts of calories and saturated fat.

Excessive consumption of such sauces increases bad cholesterol  and over time is a factor in the development of metabolic disorders.

Therefore, it is a good idea to replace such sauces with healthier alternatives, such as:

  • sour cream
  • low-fat mustard
  • greek yogurt
  • natural tomato sauce
  • herbs and spices

3. Eat low-fat dairy products

drop cholesterol

Products of animal origin, such as those derived from milk, are a major cause of cholesterol buildup and will gradually increase the amount of this factor in your blood.

Milk, yogurt, and cheese contain high amounts of saturated fat, and this is a problem that can significantly affect your health. It is therefore recommended that these products be switched to low-fat or non-fat versions in order to better control cholesterol levels.

However, keep in mind that even these products may contain large amounts of cholesterol despite what is said on the side of the jar, and therefore they should not be consumed in very large doses either.

4. Use extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthy fats, and thus it deserves a place in your daily diet. It is a natural source of vital fatty acids that both prevent cholesterol from accumulating in your blood and promote its elimination.

This oil is rich in antioxidants that stop the damage experienced by cells and reduce the risk of hardening of the arteries.

In addition, it tastes great and you can easily combine this olive oil with all types of dishes.

5. Change your cooking methods to lighter ones

fatty foods increase cholesterol

Many may be unaware of this, but the methods used in cooking are very closely related to the amount of lipids in human blood.

Both cholesterol and triglycerides may increase because food is processed by frying it in oil. If you fry your food instead of grilling or heating it in the oven, sooner or later you will, with your habit, cause bad consequences for your health.

It is also good to remember that high temperatures lower or destroy the nutritional content of food.

6. Increase the amount of vegetables in your diet

Vegetables are great products if you want to lower your cholesterol as well as alleviate other related problems. They are very low calorie options, and you get plenty of nutrients that cleanse your arteries and improve their flexibility.

lower cholesterol with avocado

Some nutrition experts say it is recommended that vegetables make up half the portions. This way you will get satisfied faster as well as give your body a great dose of important nutrients.

Remember that it is best to eat vegetables raw if you want to take full advantage of the nutrients they contain.

Now that you know you can control your cholesterol with just a few simple changes, are you ready to choose your food habits a little more carefully?

Try these tips in your kitchen and you can live healthier!

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