9 Best Natural Painkillers

9 best natural painkillers

The goal of painkillers is to relieve or prevent pain in any part of the body, especially the head, muscles, and joints. A variety of painkillers are available in pharmacies, but there are also many options available from home. Learn from this article what the best natural painkillers are.

The best natural painkillers

1. Olive oil

Olive oil is one of the cures that nature gives us for many aches and pains.  You should always use extra Virgin quality, which is healthier than the “regular” option. It can be easily found in any Market these days, but if you want to get organic, visit the nearest health food store to ask.

Natural painkillers: olive oil

This oil contains a natural substance that works in the same way as ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Studies have shown that olive oil is comparable to these drugs because it is able to reduce pain.

The good news is that natural therapies also have fewer health risks, such as not causing blood clots, Alzheimer’s, or cancer (for people who constantly use these types of chemical drugs).

2. Turmeric

This spice contains Curcumin, which is one of the best natural painkillers and which helps to stop the pain in your body and also fights inflammation. You can use it instead of pharmacy medications without any side effects.

As several studies have shown, turmeric can also help stop rheumatoid arthritis pain by “reversing” the neurotransmitters that are sent from the brain.


The suggested dose of turmeric is about 600 mg per day,  which you should divide into three parts to get the best effect.

3. Fish oil

Because fish oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids, it can inhibit the production of inflammatory chemicals such as leukotrienes and cytokines, which cause a lot of severe pain and are also one of the causes of arthritis.

Natural painkillers: fish oil

The use of fish oil can significantly reduce the severity of Crohn’s disease. It can also help individuals get rid of their dependence on steroids and other medications, which always require only higher and higher doses when pain occurs.

4. Blueberries

This bluish, small, delicious berry has many properties. They are great anti-inflammatory because they are high in antioxidants. Antioxidants eliminate free radicals that are responsible for inflammation or mucus in the digestive tract. This causes stomach ulcers, urinary tract infections, or poor digestion, among other diseases.

Natural painkillers: blueberries

Studies show that by eating a couple of decis blueberries a day, you can prevent almost 60% of urinary tract infections, for example. They are also great for cleansing the blood  as well as reducing inflammation, and they help diabetic patients lower their blood sugar levels.

5. Grapes

Grapes help in the treatment of back pain, which is typical in modern society due to the use of a computer as well as squatting in front of the television.  The anti-inflammatory properties of the grapes increase blood flow in the pelvic area, which improves pain sensations.

Natural painkillers: grapes

Studies show that the daily dose that can be used to reap the benefits of grapes is 1 cup, or about 2.5 deciliters. This relieves pain in the back, neck, shoulders or waist.

6. Oats

Oats have many properties, which is why we suggest you enjoy it at breakfast with milk, orange juice and yogurt. It is a really good anti-inflammatory product for women as it reduces inflammation in the pelvic area during menstruation.

Natural painkillers: oats

It is also a complete and whole food that collects large amounts of zinc in the body, which brings a lot of relief to those suffering from endometriosis. You can also use it with meat, chicken, vegetable salads or soups.

7. Garlic

Garlic has a thousand and one properties, one of which is pain relief. It helps to heal the pain levels that your joints suffer from arthritis.

To get the most out of it, peel a clove of garlic and heat it in a tablespoon of oil. Put it on the sore area and let it work. You will soon find that the discomfort and pain will go away and you will feel better.

Natural painkillers: garlic

You can also use garlic to treat cheek tooth pain. In this case, crush three cloves of garlic and mix with a small amount of salt. Put it on your sore tooth and let it stand for a few minutes. The saliva it forms and the juice that garlic releases let you say goodbye to toothache (which is one of the worst pains available). However, the cause of the toothache must be determined by a dentist.

8. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a multi-purpose product in the kitchen and is also a great painkiller. It has alkaline effects that run through your entire body. It’s an incredible help in a busy life. Apple cider vinegar relieves acidity and inflammation in the upper abdomen.

Natural painkillers: apple cider vinegar

To reap its benefits, mix a tablespoon of vinegar with a cup of water. Drink it when you have acid reflux, and you will get great results.

9. Chamomile

Chamomile tea is a good way to reduce inflammation in the muscles and also to calm the nerves. It has a large number of features for your body. It helps you relieve back, neck and waist pain.

Natural painkillers: chamomile tea

Drink three cups of chamomile tea during the day or in the evening. You will notice how your muscles and joints hardly hurt at all.

Image collection: Delfina basterrica, Smabs Sputzer, Steven Jackson, Alpha, Daniella Segura, Anders Ljungberg, Wiennat Mongkulmann, David Pursehouse, veganbaking.net, Valter Wei.

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