9 Tips To Get Rid Of Postpartum Dark Spots In The Armpits

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause the formation of dark spots on the skin of many women. Underarms are one of the areas most affected by this. In this article, we will tell you how you can take care of them.
9 tips to get rid of postpartum dark spots in the armpits

It is common for the skin to darken during pregnancy. This happens to the majority of pregnant women. It can take any shape from sweet, possibly even charming little drops on the cheeks to ugly, dark patches in the armpits. With these means you can get rid of dark spots on your armpits!

It all depends, of course, on each woman’s skin type, but this is one of the unwanted symptoms of pregnancy. The reason for their appearance is associated with hormonal changes.

Although they tend to disappear after childbirth, you can speed it up with the following solutions we want to share with you.

Why do dark spots appear on the armpits?

The armpits of some pregnant women turn dark, some do not.

The same goes for the crotch and nipples. They are part of the changes your body experiences during pregnancy, and after childbirth, when hormones return to the pre-pregnancy state, darkening usually disappears.

get rid of dark spots in the armpits after pregnancy

These dark spots are more likely to appear on women with darker skin tones than on fair-skinned women.  Dark-skinned people are also more likely to still not get the original pigment back after the hormones level off.

How do you get rid of dark spots in your armpits?

First, you should try to prevent the appearance of darkening.

It is important to ensure that your skin is well hydrated, both by consuming plenty of fluids and by using fats and creams. When your skin is exposed to the sun, don’t forget to use a good sunscreen to prevent the sun from contributing to the effects of hormonal changes.

Also avoid alcoholic and roll-on deodorants. There are deodorants that help remove dark spots and moisturize the skin, so trying them is a good idea.

Hair waxing and shaving are also involved in darkening the skin. Try to prolong the time between waxing or shaving during pregnancy.

1. Your baby’s urine

While there is no scientific evidence for this tip from our grandmothers, it can be effective. When you take a wet diaper off your newborn baby, dip a cotton ball in it and rub it on your skin. Allow to dry.

2. Breast milk

Many of the benefits of breast milk include the fact that it can help lighten areas of the skin that have darkened during pregnancy. Just take a little breast milk, apply it to the dark spots on your armpits and let it dry. You can also try this for dark spots that you may have already had before pregnancy.

breast milk

3. Oatmeal

  • Make a paste from two tablespoons of oatmeal, one tablespoon of honey and one lemon juice.
  • Apply the mixture to your armpits and leave it on for 15 minutes.

Then rinse it with warm water. You can do this while your baby is sleeping and you have a moment to use for yourself.

4. Glycerin

get rid of dark spots in the armpits with glycerin
  • Mix 10 drops of glycerin, 10 drops of lemon juice and 10 drops of almond oil or olive oil in a container.
  • Apply this mixture to dark spots before taking a shower.
  • Wait a few minutes and then wash as usual.

5. Yogurt

It is always good to do a gentle massage once a week.

  • To do this, prepare a mixture of one tablespoon of natural yogurt and one tablespoon of oatmeal.
  • Apply it to your armpits with gentle, massaging movements.
  • Leave on for 5 minutes and then remove with warm water.
  • After this, it is good to apply a moisturizer.

6. Oxidized water

You can apply oxidized water to the skin of your armpits.

  • Use a cotton swab to apply oxidized water. Your skin should be very clean.
  • Leave it on for 5 minutes and then remove with plenty of cold water.

7. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a good skin beauty product. Prepare a paste from coconut oil and oatmeal, apply it to your armpits and leave on for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water.

try coconut oil

8. Chemical peeling

This cosmetic treatment removes the dark layers of the skin. It uses various acids to restore skin color, such as salicylic acid, which promotes melanin removal, mandelic acid, which increases collagen, and kojic acid, which has antioxidant properties. You can use this treatment if you are not breastfeeding.

9. Laser treatment

Laser treatment focuses on whitening dark spots without damaging skin tissue. However, it requires more than one visit before you notice results, so it may be difficult to combine it with newborn baby care.

Recent recommendations

Do not expose the sensitive skin of your armpits to extreme treatments, especially just after giving birth when your skin is hypersensitive. Caring for a newborn is also demanding and does not leave much time for aesthetic treatments, which usually require multiple visits.

Avoid using baking soda, as while it is an excellent aid to health, beauty care and teeth whitening, it can be a little too consuming for a sensitive area of ​​skin. Instead of bleaching, you may just aggravate the dark spots on your armpits.

If you have itching and irritation in addition to dark spots, it is recommended that you see a dermatologist who can assess your symptoms and provide you with the most appropriate solution.

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