6 Best Home Treatments For Swollen Feet

Relieve swelling of the feet with natural means!
6 best home treatments for swollen feet

Most people have sometimes experienced swelling and heaviness in the legs in that area of ​​the body. Sometimes this dilemma also occurs with tingling, numbness, and difficulty walking. Read the best home remedies for swollen feet in this article!

This is a very common symptom that is usually a problem for women. Problems with swollen feet are usually always associated with either fluid retention, stress, and circulatory problems. In addition, it can also be a sign of a more serious problem, such as arthritis, edema, or a blood clot.

What to help with swelling of the legs?

Because this condition can affect a person’s quality of life, it is vital to pay attention to it and deal with the problem properly. Fortunately, there are some natural treatments that can help reduce the inflammation and other symptoms associated with swelling of the feet.

So in this article, we want to tell you about the six best ways to treat swollen feet  – keep reading and take care of yourself with natural home remedies!

1. Apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar to treat swollen feet

Cider vinegar has  anti-inflammatory properties and acts as a relaxing product. It reduces the pain caused by swelling of the legs.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 dl apple cider vinegar
  • 6 pieces of apples

How is this treatment implemented?

  • First, dip a clean cloth in vinegar, and put the liquid on those areas that are swollen.
  • Put a few slices of apple on top of the liquid, and let it work for 20 minutes.
  • After this time, remove the apple, and rinse the skin with warm water.
  • Repeat this treatment every night until the inflammation is controlled.

2. Mint

The properties of mint are a great help in treating foot problems. Its use directly on the skin  improves blood circulation, regulates fluid accumulation and helps prevent the development of varicose veins.

Necessary ingredients

  • 2 tablespoons mint
  • 1 liter of water

How is this treatment implemented?

  • First boil the water with the mint, and let the liquid boil for 10 minutes.
  • Then apply the liquid to the swollen areas with a soft cloth.
  • Repeat this treatment every night before you go to bed.

3. Hibiscus incubator

Hibiscus incubator

Drinking water containing hibiscus daily is one of the most effective ways to treat swollen feet and combat this phenomenon.

It is a beverage with dehydrating effects. Thus, its ingestion  relieves edema, improves poor blood circulation and reduces the accumulation of toxic substances.

Necessary ingredients

  • 6 hibiscus flowers
  • 1 liter of water

How is this treatment implemented?

  • First put the flowers in water, and let them boil for 10 minutes.
  • Then put the heat down and wait until the liquid has cooled to the potable temperature.
  • Enjoy a stew with  three glasses each day.

4. Epsom salts

Baths with Epsom salts are  one of the traditional treatments for swollen feet, feet and ankles.

These salts relax the limbs, soothe muscle tension, and stimulate blood circulation to balance the body’s inflammatory processes.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 dl Epsom salts
  • Hot water

How is this treatment implemented?

  • Put the Epsom salts in plenty of water, and let your feet stay in the liquid for 15 minutes.
  • Repeat this treatment  every night,  and especially after a very tiring day.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera for the treatment of swollen feet

Aloe Vera is a plant with crystals that provide numerous medicinal effects. They have both internal and external benefits to improve the health of the body.

However, what most defines this plant as a treatment product is its  effective anti-inflammatory effect,  which relieves pain and tension.

Aloe Vera contains dehydrating agents that  minimize fluid retention and other problems that afflict the lower extremities.

It is also an excellent aid for stimulating blood circulation, which is a good thing for reducing varicose veins and spider veins.

Necessary ingredients

  • 2 tablespoons aloe vera
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil

How is this treatment implemented?

  • First you need to melt the aloe vera crystals and coconut oil. Use this mixture to  massage your feet for ten minutes.
  • Alternative step: you can add a few tablespoons of aloe vera gel to your juice or glass of water to take advantage of the properties of this product internally.
  • Repeat this treatment until your feet start to feel better.

5. Horse chestnut

The use of this product is one of the most effective alternative treatments to reduce inflammation in the lower extremities of the body.

Its extracts are anti-inflammatory and protect the walls of the arteries. In addition, they also facilitate the removal of fluid from tissues.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 tablespoon horse chestnut bark
  • 1 dl lavender oil
  • 1 tablespoon horse chestnuts in strips

How is this treatment implemented?

  • First, put the lavender oil in a saucepan, and add the horse chestnut. Heat on low heat for 20 minutes to allow the ingredients to mix well.
  • When the mixture is ready and the temperature is tolerable,  rub this liquid on the swollen areas and do the massage in a circular motion.
  • Repeat this treatment every day.

As you can see, there are many natural ingredients that can be a great help in relaxing your feet even before you experience problems like swelling. However, keep in mind the fact that the effect of these treatments does not always appear immediately, and thus they may need to be repeated several times to make the effects feel effective enough.

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