Garlic Oil Treats The Body Effectively

Even if you are completely healthy, you will still benefit from garlic oil as a spice in your meals. Don’t be afraid of this intensely scented plant, but add it to your food regularly!
Garlic oil treats the body effectively

Garlic oil is very medicinal and should be consumed as part of your daily diet. This oil promotes good health in general and prevents and treats certain disorders. You can get it in capsules, but you can also make garlic oil at home!

Now we talk about the many health effects of garlic – this superfood helps to cleanse the body as well as increase resistance. In addition, it improves blood circulation and provides protection against free radical damage.

All in all, garlic oil is the kind of side dish that shouldn’t be left out of the table!

The many health benefits of garlic

garlic cloves

Garlic is thus a real superfood that takes care of human health in many ways. It has been used since ancient times to treat various ailments and diseases.

The benefits are primarily based on two sulfides: allicin and diallyl. Garlic also contains amino acids, vitamins B and C, and minerals such as magnesium, copper, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, iron, and potassium.

The plant has all the following health benefits:

  • A natural antibiotic effect that fights viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites
  • Better cancer control
  • Antioxidant effect
  • Decreased fluid retention and increased renal function
  • Balancing of nervous system function
  • Combating cardiovascular disease – improving blood circulation and relieving cholesterol and high blood pressure
  • Decreased high blood sugar
  • Better protection of the liver and gallbladder and more efficient elimination of toxic substances
  • Improving heart and skin health – alleviating acne, psoriasis and other skin disorders
  • Better regulation of digestion
  • Increased libido

How to enjoy garlic?

The best way to utilize this plant to prevent disease and maintain health is to consume one raw garlic clove daily.

The effects when taken on an empty stomach are very strong. That’s why you should enjoy garlic as part of your meals. If you cook it, you get some of the effects, but not as well as when you use raw garlic.

The potential of garlic was understood in Tibetan culture since ancient times. The monks created a recipe in which garlic is marinated in alcohol and gradually consumed. In this way, the body is able to utilize the properties of the plant gradually.

Today, garlic oil can be obtained in capsules. These are especially recommended for those who cannot tolerate the smell of garlic or for whom this plant is not suitable for digestion, as well as for all those who just don’t like garlic.

Now we will talk about an old Tibetan recipe for marinating garlic in olive oil. This allows you to combine the properties of two very healthy natural products.

Tibetan garlic oil

garlic oil

If possible, use organic garlic. If you use this mixture for medicine, it is very important that the garlic does not contain pesticides or other toxic chemicals – otherwise the therapeutic effects may not be effective enough.


  • 1 liter of extra virgin olive oil
  • 30 cloves of garlic

To prepare this caring oil, follow these steps:

  • Peel a clove of garlic, halve it and then place in a glass jar with a lid.
  • Add the olive oil, covering the garlic cloves.
  • Close the bottle tightly and keep it in a dark, cool and dry place for a month. Do not put oil in the refrigerator.
  • Shake the bottle slightly every 2-3 days.
  • Strain the oil after one month of storage to remove the garlic cloves (however you can use these!) And recover the oil.

Use of garlic oil to improve health

You can use this oil in many ways, depending on the purpose of the treatment:

  1. Take a tablespoon a day for preventative purposes. You can take the oil as it is or with food. Always enjoy it as soon as you take it from the jar to get the most out of its properties.
  2. Also use this oil as a spice in food – salads, pastas, soups and sauces go well with it. If you want a softer taste, add olive oil or use less garlic to make the oil.

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