Natural Home Remedies For Heartburn

To treat heartburn, it is first important to chew food well. This is because saliva helps to optimize the digestive process. 
Natural home remedies for heartburn

Heartburn is a very irritating digestive problem that can damage your digestive system and health in general. Today we share the best home treatments for heartburn – pick up the tips!

In this article, we will divide natural home remedies for heartburn so that you can avoid the use of synthetic drugs and suffer from their side effects.

Antacids are not always the answer

Ingestion of antacids is not always the only solution to heartburn; it can actually be very dangerous to your digestive system  and body in the long run.

These drugs change your body’s natural acidity, and your body needs the right pH level to be able to properly digest foods.

If you remove these acids, you will weaken your stomach, and in addition, it will make you significantly more susceptible to all kinds of diseases. 

Try these home treatments for heartburn

Fresh vegetables are home remedies for heartburn

For it to be effective and durable, the right solution to heartburn must be based on diet. 

This means consuming foods that have alkaline properties. They naturally balance the acids that are under control in your body.

By doing this, you do not change the pH of your stomach in one fell swoop, but instead you reduce the acids gradually, and without affecting the digestive process. 

Which foods are alkaline?

  • Leafy vegetables:  celery, broccoli, cucumber, parsley, etc.
  • Other vegetables:  tomato, kale, beetroot
  • Fruit:  Avocado, lemon, pomelo
  • Beans
  • Nuts : Almonds
  • Seed
  • Seaweed

Eliminate acidic foods

While adding alkaline foods to your diet, you should also eliminate acidic foods:

  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Packaged juices and other beverages
  • White sugar
  • Bleached flour
  • Table salt
  • Dairy products
  • Fried foods
  • Sausage

Drink more water

woman drinking water

To improve your digestive function, fight excessive heartburn, and eliminate toxins that have accumulated in your body, you should work to drink at least one and a half gallons of water every day outside of meals, especially on an empty stomach. 

It is a very easy change and you will be surprised by its results.

Grandma’s home treatments for heartburn

This natural home remedy for heartburn and stomach ulcers was very common a few decades back, and it still works.


  • Juice of one raw potato
  • Two tablespoons of extravirgin olive oil

How do I take it?

  • Mix the ingredients well and enjoy the mixture on an empty stomach at least an hour before breakfast. 
  • Enjoy nine days in the tube. 

Can I drink lemon juice?

lemon water home treatments for heartburn

Lemon, although an acidic fruit, acts as a neutralizer for acids when it enters the stomach. 

For this reason, many people drink lemon juice after meals, or they use it to finish their meals.

  • You can drink a little lemon juice with water before and after meals. 
  • However, if it doesn’t make you feel good, you can choose one of the other methods mentioned in this article.

Chew more

One of the reasons we suffer from heartburn is that we don’t eat properly.

Many people usually eat in a hurry or stressful situation  without spending enough time on it or eating in a suitable place.

You should prioritize meal times so that you can sit down, relax, and be able to eat without distractions or worries. In addition, this will help you chew your food better.

This simple method can greatly improve your digestive process, as enzymes are present in your saliva.

Wash with baking soda

baking soda in water

Baking soda is a treatment that is often used to fight acid naturally. However, its regular use is not beneficial  as it has similar effects as chemical antacids.

One way you can benefit from using baking soda without altering your digestive functions is by taking a hot bath in baking soda water, either on your feet alone or on your entire body.

This allows alkaline properties to penetrate the pores of the skin, which open up due to the heat of the water until they reach the blood vessels. 15-20 minutes is enough to get these benefits.


Another natural home treatment for heartburn that has immediate results is clay water. However, you should choose a white clay that is suitable for internal enjoyment,  as not all clays are suitable for it.


  • 1 teaspoon white clay
  • 1 dl of water


  • Add a teaspoon of clay to half a cup of water, and mix well with a wooden or plastic spoon. It is important that you do not use a metal spoon. 
  • Wait 10 minutes and then drink.

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