6 Alternative Treatments For Fatty Liver

Do you suffer from fatty liver? Try these treatments! If you are following a treatment program for fatty liver, check with your doctor before taking these treatments to make sure they do not cause any side effects. 
6 alternative treatments for fatty liver

The prevalence of fatty liver is becoming more common in our society today due to our high-fat diet and immobile lifestyle. It occurs when fatty acids and triglycerides accumulate in liver cells,  making up up to 5-10% of the total body weight.

The appearance of fatty liver is directly associated with metabolic syndrome, but it can also occur due to damage caused by excessive alcohol consumption. 

Although fatty liver is a reversible condition, if left out of hand, it can lead to serious complications and affect other systems in your body.  The problem is that it initially has no clear symptoms and progresses quietly.

Fortunately, there are several alternative therapies that, when used regularly, will help fight this condition before it has time to affect your quality of life. 

Treatment of fatty liver by natural methods

Below we want to share the 6 best natural treatments that you should keep in mind if you are worried about this disease.

1. Ginger tea

ginger tea for the treatment of fatty liver

Ginger roots contain active anti-inflammatory properties and detoxifying agents that can be useful in the treatment of fatty liver.

Gingerol, the ingredient that gives ginger its spiciness, acts as an effective antioxidant and antilipid that helps with all the fat that accumulates in the liver. 

Gingerol fights oxidative stress-causing particles  that are associated with a higher probability of getting this disease.

What should be done?

  • Make tea from fresh ginger and enjoy up to 3 times a day.
  • Use for two weeks in the tube.

2. Boldotee

Boldo is a plant that has been valued for centuries not only for its digestive aids but also for its liver-helping properties. Its cleansing abilities nurture the proper functioning of the liver and gallbladder  while helping them improve fat digestion.

It is recommended to soak gallstones and clean the ducts that carry feces to the gut. 

What should be done?

  • Get Boldo leaves from a health food store and use them to make tea. 
  • Enjoy twice a day for one week.

3. Retiisismoothie

radish smoothie for fatty liver treatment

High levels of antioxidants in radishes help break down the fats that have accumulated in your liver, improving its ability to cleanse itself. 

Eating radishes encourages the control of cholesterol and triglycerides. These two lipids make the treatment of fatty liver more difficult.

What should be done?

  • Put a few radishes in a blender and mix with a cup of water until the drink is smooth.
  • Enjoy every other day. 

4. Leaf chard tea

Ingestion of chard in the form of tea concentrates its antioxidant and cleansing ingredients that support liver function, especially the digestion of fatty compounds. 

The active ingredients in chard control the fatty liver to cause inflammation while stimulating the elimination of toxins. 

What should be done?

  • Put the leaves of chard in a saucepan with water, cook for 5 minutes and strain.
  • Enjoy 2 or 3 glasses daily for two weeks. 

5. Grapefruit juice

grapefruit juice

Fresh grapefruit juice is a great solution to help people with fatty liver.

One of the grapefruit compounds, naringin, acts as an effective antioxidant. It has a diuretic effect that  encourages the removal of accumulated fluids and controls inflammation. 

Grapefruit is also good for fighting the symptoms of metabolic syndrome,  which is linked to the fatty liver and can lead to overweight if left untreated.

What should be done?

  • Squeeze six grapefruits and sweeten the juice with a teaspoon of honey.
  • Drink on an empty stomach without other food for at least 2 weeks in a tube. 

6. St. John’s wort tea

St. John’s wort is one of the most popular alternatives to fatty liver. It has liver protective and anti-inflammatory abilities that help protect liver cells,  reducing lipid accumulation.

What should be done?

  • Make tea from St. John’s wort seeds, or alternatively get St. John’s wort supplements from a health food store.
  • Enjoy once a day, every day.

All of these treatments have a positive effect on the fatty liver. However, each of them should be taken with a healthy, low-fat diet to  get great results. 

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