10 Easy Ways To Take Care Of Your Teeth

10 easy ways to take care of your teeth

All the foods you eat every day end up in your back teeth. If you do not clean your teeth properly, bacteria will start to accumulate and the condition of your tooth will deteriorate. Eventually a hole will appear. Children are particularly prone to the appearance of holes due to sugary treats, but tooth decay is also common in adults. In this article, we will tell you how you can take care of your teeth. In this article, we’ll tell you 11 great tips for caring for your teeth and preventing cavities.

Why are holes created?

A lot of bacteria live in the mouth, and when they come in contact with saliva, acids, and sugar that end up in the mouth with food, they turn into holes. The acids in the foods you eat attack tooth enamel, weaken it, and cause small cavities in your teeth. A hole in the teeth is formed in the enamel lesions and they form a dark spot in the tooth wall.

Tooth decay cannot be improved with medication or over time, as the hole worsens as it ages. The only way to prevent harmful bacteria from getting under the enamel and into the tooth itself is to remove the part of the tooth that is perforated and replace it with a replacement. This prevents the hole from spreading and the resulting complications.

If left untreated, the hole will deepen and worsen, and can lead to inflammation and tooth extraction. The dentist places and cleans the tooth. Holes are not dangerous if treated in a timely manner. However, it is important to take care of your teeth to prevent holes from forming.

This will prevent cavities

The tips in this article are for the whole family. It is important to teach children from an early age that too much sugar, such as candies and soft drinks, make frost on their teeth. Teach children to brush and floss their teeth, and set a good example in terms of nutrition and oral hygiene. By preventing perforation, you also save money and time.

Do not eat sugar

don't eat candy


Sugar foods should be avoided. Exclude candies, soft drinks, and all other foods that contain processed sugar. Candy Day is a traditional habit in many families, but completely useless. Sure, it’s great for kids to let you enjoy sugary treats on special occasions, but you don’t have to eat candy weekly. Sugar, in particular, damages the teeth of the cheeks.

Teach children to enjoy delicious fruits like mango and banana instead of sugary foods that are naturally sweet. It is important that if children eat sugar, they brush their teeth properly after eating sugar and also use dental floss. However, few of us carry a toothbrush with us at all times, so as a first aid, simply rinsing your mouth with water will help remove any sugar residue hidden in your mouth.

Enjoy four meals a day

take care of your teeth


If you constantly nibble on something throughout the day, it is very likely that you will develop more holes. Constant acid attack in the mouth damages the mica. Limit your intake to four or five times a day. Do not drink juices and other liquids except water constantly. Eat breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner if possible. If possible, do not eat anything between meals and brush your teeth after each meal.

Take care of your teeth

Brushing your teeth is the most important and easiest way to take care of your dental health. Brush your teeth at least twice a day: morning and evening. If possible, also brush them after lunch. Toothpaste protection lasts for about 12 hours, and for this reason brushing at least twice a day is recommended. In the morning, your teeth should be brushed before breakfast. Good oral hygiene starts with this easy way. You can carry a small travel toothbrush with you, so you can always clean your teeth after a meal and on business trips.

Be sure to use dental floss

use dental floss


Using dental floss is a great way to remove food debris between teeth. Thread the teeth first and then brush them, this will allow the toothpaste to penetrate every hole. Teeth should be flattened once a day, preferably in the evenings. Store dental floss in a dry place so that it does not come into contact with water or moisture. Use dental floss especially after eating biscuits, pastries, grains and bread, as these get easily stuck between your teeth.

Chew food well

If you do not chew food properly, food debris will be more sensitive between your teeth.

Rub the gums

You can enhance the health of your gums by strengthening their blood circulation with a small massage. Use your fingers for a gentle massage of the gums; this improves the condition of the teeth and prevents certain oral diseases, as well as cavities. Remember that once your teeth are healthy, you will not suffer from bacterial infections or cavities.

Drink water

Have you ever wondered why some restaurants offer coffee or wine with a glass of water? Coffee and wine are known to have a strong taste, so water helps flush out bad aftertaste as it goes, but water also helps prevent holes from forming.  The same goes for drinking alcohol or sour fruit: rinse them down with a glass of water.

Do not go to bed before brushing your teeth

keep your teeth


Brushing your teeth must be made a daily routine. Brush your teeth together with the children and make sure they do it thoroughly. Never go to bed before brushing your teeth, as bacteria will grind in your mouth all night without any obstruction if you do not brush your teeth. You may be tired, the day has been long and you feel like you are falling asleep on your stand, but still don’t skimp on brushing your teeth. Two minutes is enough and effectively prevent perforation.

Eat calcium-rich foods

Dairy products like milk and yogurt are not the only good sources of calcium. Also enjoy green vegetables such as kale and broccoli. Eating almonds is another great way to add calcium to your diet. If you suffer from lactose intolerance, you can use almond milk.

Eat lots of raw vegetables and fruits

vegetables for dental well-being


Celery and carrots clean teeth, as the fibers they contain help clean the teeth of previous foods. An apple helps keep your teeth strong while whitening them. Apple also effectively removes food debris and bacteria hidden in the spaces between the teeth. In addition, the apple is suitable as a dessert that can be used to suppress the craving to enjoy a sweet dessert.

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