How To Restore Intestinal Bacterial Balance

When the intestinal bacterial population is at a good level, it has a positive effect on the health of the whole body. Certain lifestyles can impair a good quality bacterial population, so it is important to enjoy foods that strengthen and protect it.
This will restore the bacterial balance in the gut

Intestinal bacteria play an important role in both intestinal health and function as well as general health. The intestines are involved e.g. metabolic processes, absorption of vitamins and minerals, functioning of the defense system and energy levels.

Malnutrition, the use of antibiotics and many other factors can damage the bacterial population. In this article, we will tell you how you can restore your intestinal bacterial balance to an ideal level and take care of your gut function.

What miraculous bacterial strain?


healthy stomach and bacterial population

The intestinal bacterial flora consists of microorganisms that begin to form in the body shortly after birth. When a newborn comes into contact with the outside world, these bacteria slowly begin to accumulate in the gut.

The bacterial strain consists of hundreds of different species and has a total of more than 10 trillion individuals. Under the influence of bacteria, the intestinal acidity remains at an ideal level and the number of other microorganisms remains at the same time under control. Bacteria help break down starch, sugar and proteins in food that would otherwise be impossible to digest. Inside and alongside the bacteria live Good quality bacterial viruses that positively affect the number and function of bacteria.

What factors cause changes in the bacterial population?

There are many factors that can weaken or modify the bacterial population in the gut:

  • Sugar, processed food, bleached flour, fried foods, and saturated fatty acids have an acidifying effect on the intestine.
  • Stress. Stress always has a negative effect on health and changes in the intestines weaken the body’s defenses, and can predispose to various diseases.
  • Certain types of medications, such as antibiotics, are known to impair intestinal health.
  • Chronic intestinal diseases.

Foods to improve intestinal bacterial balance

Below we tell you which foods are suitable for reviving the intestinal bacterial balance.



kefir helps improve intestinal bacterial balance

If you want to improve your bacterial population naturally, one of the best foods for this is kefir.  It is a fermented milk drink that is easily prepared even at home.

To make kefir, you need a small amount of fresh kefir, which is a certain type of mushroom, and milk.

  • Kefir looks like cooked rice and uses the lactose contained in the milk for food, which causes it to ferment.
  • You can buy a kefir drink ready in the store or, if possible, you can look for fresh kefir in your hands and prepare the drink yourself.
  • The best time to enjoy kefir is in the mornings before breakfast. Kefir is also well suited as a healthy snack.
  • If you are allergic to lactose, kefir can also be mixed with water-based drinks.


Sauerkraut is a traditional German recipe. Sauerkraut, or fermented cabbage, is well suited as a companion to meat and fish dishes and facilitates digestive function.

Like many other fermented foods, sauerkraut is a great source of lactic acid bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria restore the intestinal bacterial population to normal levels and prevent the health effects of bacterial deficiency.

Sauerkraut is made by fermenting chopped raw cabbage together with salt in a glass vessel. Spices such as juniper berries can be added to sauerkraut to improve the taste.

Sauerkraut is now available which is not traditionally fermented, but the taste of the product is achieved by using alcohol, vinegar, salt, sugar and other additives. If you eat sauerkraut that has not been fermented, you will not get the same benefits from it as traditional sauerkraut.

Season with sea water

Purified seawater is now available in specialty food stores and has become a popular food item due to its medicinal effect.

Seawater contains up to 118 different minerals, making it significantly healthier than refined salt, which contains only sodium chloride.

The nutrients contained in seawater are absorbed through the intestine and regulate the pH balance of the intestine and the whole body. At the same time, nutrients enhance intestinal function and waste movement in the intestine. If you suffer from constipation, try enjoying seawater mixed with tap water. You can also use seawater instead of salt in different recipes.

If you want to preserve the medicinal properties of seawater, use it unheated. Seawater is suitable, for example, for cold soups such as gazpacho, vegetable drinks, sauces and salads.

Food supplements

If you want to increase the bacterial population, for example, after a prolonged course of antibiotics or stomach disease, we recommend taking capsules containing lactic acid bacteria, ie probiotics, which are available from a pharmacy.

A probiotic is the opposite of an antibiotic, and refers to products that contain enough beneficial living microorganisms that modify the bacterial population in the human gut, balance the functioning of the defense system, and promote health.

Be sure to take the capsules at least an hour before eating, or else they will not have time to be absorbed and will work properly. Take the capsules just before going to bed or in the morning on an empty stomach – this is how their effect is most effective.

The products mentioned in this article make it easier to take care of the bacterial balance in the gut and can be taken daily, not just when your stomach starts showing symptoms or you have been on a course of antibiotics. Stomach health can and should be taken care of every day.

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