Don’t Cling To An Indifferent Person

Sometimes we are so blinded that we don’t see how another person is trying to manipulate us and exploit us. Do not cling to such a person. You deserve better.
Don’t cling to an indifferent person

It is said that the more someone does not give you attention, the more you are interested in this person and want their approval. However, it is not good for you to cling to an indifferent person to yourself.

It could be a traditional cat and mouse game, or an assumption that the person you are aiming for is somehow mysterious and worth pursuing. Often, however, such a person plays games and has no empathy or interest in you – thus, of course, he doesn’t deserve your attention.

Don’t cling to an indifferent person who is constantly doing tricks of disappearance and is not worthy of trust. When he reappears, you are relieved and the bond between you is strengthened, but only momentarily.

Don’t immerse yourself in a dream world where this person will eventually change and begin to appreciate you. Open your eyes. You may spend your life with a manipulative person.

Don’t fool yourself

sad woman

When we fall in love, we immediately start fooling ourselves. The small flaws in the object of love seem insignificant, even sweet. You may begin to interpret messages from another as love and you believe you belong together – you cling to him and he will take full advantage of it.

The person you love in your imaginations will take care of you and want to be in a relationship with you, even though he or she is constantly ignoring your needs.

Don’t continue your relationship with an indifferent person

in relation to an indifferent person

Do not continue this relationship for longer. Think carefully about whether the person you want is really the one you imagine. Do you only see what you want to see? Try to look at the situation from a new perspective:

  • He will only contact you when he wants to, and when he doesn’t want to, you won’t hear a breath from him. This is a sign that he is using you.
  • He constantly cancels dates to spend time with his friends or doing other things, he constantly renews your plans using excuses. He doesn’t like you as much as you think or wish.
  • He ends the calls quickly and abruptly, and he doesn’t care if you want to talk about your problems. You are not a priority for him.

Maybe you accept his behavior by telling yourself that he needs your own space or that he is very independent and that you are too pushy. These excuses damage your self-esteem, for you deserve a person who is just as interested in you as you are in him.

Remove the bandage from your eyes: he will ignore you completely

don’t cling to an indifferent person

It’s time to pull a blindfold on your eyes that prevents you from seeing reality rationally. First, make sure you are not dependent on another person. If you have become addicted to another person, he or she has too much power over you and he or she can negatively affect you.

Maybe you adopt thoughts and attitudes you would never have considered before, or you let him treat you badly because you can’t imagine life without him.

It’s time to realize that that person doesn’t care about you the way you deserve and break the bond with them. It’s time to move on. You can do it.

His words and deeds are confusing

Have you ever tried to talk to him about your feelings or thoughts? Something that bites you? Or maybe you’ve tried to tell him how much you care about him. In response, have you regained your contempt, aggression, or complete silent school?

It’s about someone who doesn’t care about your feelings or what’s moving in your head.

Sometimes such people can seem completely cold and indifferent at one moment, and the next day they confess their love. Don’t fall into this trap. If the other can’t be nice and loving to you every day, he or she isn’t worth your effort.

The variable behavior will fool you into thinking that things will change and you will return to the cat and mouse game again, leaving you hooked.

Tenderness manifests between you only when he wants it

You crave affection and physical attention, but you don’t get it when you want to. When you’re in a relationship with an indifferent person, you only get it when your partner wants it.

Pay attention to this. If he becomes indulgent only when you get angry, he will try to prevent you from leaving him with manipulation.

He will make your self-confidence weaken

Good people make us feel smart, beautiful and capable. When someone makes you feel stupid, small and ugly, you should get rid of him as soon as possible.

Maybe you have moments when you feel good and satisfied, happy. But take a closer look at these moments, are you happy only when you don’t try to express your feelings and worries to him? Maybe you avoid saying or doing things so he doesn’t start criticizing you.

So let go of your relationship with an indifferent person as quickly as possible, nothing good will follow.

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