Obsessive Anxiety Creates Anxiety

Repeated negative thoughts are those that come to mind obsessively, but for which we cannot find a solution. If you do not choose to stop them, the result will be a sabotage of your own well-being.
Obsessive worrying creates anxiety

Have you ever completely sunk into your thoughts and shared negative “what if” and “should have” thoughts? Such obsessive worrying puts us in a state of extreme concern, and that state then turns into anxiety.

What is the cause of obsessive worry?

Some people get to think too much about what is happening to them, what they have said, what has happened and how good or bad everything has been.

These stubborn ideas not only focus on the past, but also on the future. An unknown future, where assumptions, doubts, and negative beliefs are rampant, can definitely lead to anxiety.

Keep reading, for now we will explain this phenomenon in more detail – why would it be good to stop obsessive worrying , and to get rid of the distraction of negative thoughts?

Negative, obsessive thoughts and misinterpretations

obsessive worry

If there is one such thing where these recurring thoughts succeed, it is that they lead  us to come to the wrong conclusions.

Whatever thing we think about, the biggest factors in over-thinking are fear, inadequacies, needs, and other weaknesses that reside within us.

If we need others to be happy, to feel able and valuable, the result is that negative thoughts will resonate in our minds.

Obsessive worrying always makes us focus on other people and what they think of us and our actions.  But where does this lead us then? Where are our own opinions?

Low self-esteem is due to the uncertainty that affects every area of ​​a person’s life. It creates conflicts, feelings of guilt, and misconceptions that lead a person to doubt anything and everyone.

This situation creates a phenomenon that we do not want: a struggle from other people. And we focus so much on other people that even the smallest things feel like disappointments, lies, or deceptions.

However, we ourselves are the one who deceives us.

Negative, obsessive worry can lead to destruction

obsessive worrying causes despair

Negative and constant thoughts are a destructive perimeter. There seems to be no end to them, and there is no escape from them.

In fact, those who suffer from this type of thought do not have one very important skill, namely the ability to make decisions.

This is about not saying what they want or doing what they want, because they know it will have consequences. This makes them seek protection from their thoughts, which eat them from within.

Gradually, anxiety then creates an echo. It surprises them anywhere, and every time it gets more and more control.

If this phenomenon is not stopped in time, and if a person does not realize that it is a problem that needs to be solved, the result is a snowball effect that  gets bigger and bigger and can eventually cause deep depression.

People with constant negative thinking are constantly sabotaging themselves. They damage their self-esteem and they don’t feel valuable enough.

In this case, a person is so far away from himself that he  needs others to feel “connected”. However, this is never a solution, but rather an aggravator of a problem that one does not want to end.

Would it be time to say goodbye to obsessions?

leave behind obsessive worry

Negative and constant thoughts are nothing more than an obsession with  a particular thing or situation, and they make us do things that we later regret.

For example, if we have doubts and multiple thoughts that our partner is unfaithful, the result is that anxiety takes over from us. Then we start observing when the other person uses social media and how often he thinks of us – and so on.

Everything we “find” in this quest will further feed our beliefs,  and they will become so obsessive that this will make us do things that are not part of our values.

Therefore, one should not get caught up in the waves of thoughts. These thoughts, which have no basis and are due to our own uncertainties, are hurting us.

We must learn to see them without condemning and without trying to investigate their cause. You just have to see them and then let them go.

As we stick to these thoughts, we begin to grind them, and they become obsessed.

the man thinks

An idea can create a negative feeling in the human body, but grasping it, trying to justify it, and not letting go of it can be the worst possible decision.

If the thought attacks you and doesn’t leave you alone, make a decision. Whatever is on your mind, it’s trying to tell you something, so act.

Obsessive thoughts gather rejected and silenced doubts. They relate to things that bother you and for which you do nothing.

When you hold an idea or cling to it, this will only make you feel worse. When your body then starts screaming, it’s time to dare to make a change.

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