These Items You Would Not Think Are Full Of Bacteria

Humid environments are perfect for the growth and spread of bacteria, so sponges and toothbrushes, for example, should be replaced frequently.
These items you would not think are full of bacteria

Soaps and cleansers are always claimed to be made from a complete recipe for removing bacteria . However, these little invaders have nested in every corner of our planet since the early stages of its birth. So all the places are actually full of bacteria.

Despite its small size, some bacteria have the ability to attack the body and cause serious harm through disease. This group of bacteria is called biological pathogens. The worst part is that these microscopically small organisms can live in even the smallest clumps that would never come to mind.

Today we look at some of them.

Dish brushes

Dish brushes and sponges are full of soap, so we think they’re completely clean inside. However, a damp dish brush or sponge is an ideal growth environment for microorganisms that are harmful to health.

After all, brushes and mushrooms are not just about soap: they are also rich in all sorts of small crumbs and other pieces that can be found in the kitchen or sink.

According to some studies, these pathogens can live in the dish brush and especially in the fungus for up to two weeks.

  • For this reason, it is important to always squeeze and shake off excess water. This leaves no extra fluid left to allow bacteria and other pathogens to multiply.
  • It is also recommended to change sponges and brushes frequently.

Chopping boards

wooden cutting boards are full of bacteria

The problem with cutting boards is that they are used first to chop uncooked meat and then fruit and vegetables. They are ideal breeding sites for highly dangerous microbes. As for the most common inhabitants of kitchen objects, salmonella , campylobacter and coliform bacteria are just the tip of the iceberg.

When cleaning cloths, soap, and even water come in contact with them, a perfect growth environment for all kinds of microorganisms is created.

  • Therefore, it is not enough to use only dishwashing detergent. We recommend disinfecting the cutting boards and washing them later with vinegar.

Door knobs and handles

When we open a window and turn the handle, we do not know what danger we are exposed to. These are things we use every single day and yet for some reason we forget to clean.

The most worrying thing here is that our own hands are becoming carriers of all kinds of bacteria living in door knobs and handles, both harmless and disease-causing.

  • Regular cleaning of door knobs and handles can save you many annoyances in the future.


toothbrushes are full of bacteria

Fungi, bacteria and viruses wait ominously on innocent toothbrushes. This personal hygiene tool is constantly wet. Where there is water, there are also potential pathogens.

However, water is just one of many sources of bacteria; your mouth and hands transmit millions of microorganisms that end up on your toothbrush.

The bathroom is a place where intestinal microbes are plentiful. Basically, they move from the toilet bowl to everywhere else.

  • Keep your toothbrush dry and disinfect everything in the bathroom. This will keep your bacterial growth and infectious diseases under control.

Children’s toys

Most parents teach their children to keep toys in baskets or boxes, but few realize how important it is to disinfect them every now and then. The most worrying thing is that they affect the youngest members of the family.

Toys are very likely to end up in places that contain a lot of bacteria: on pillows, on the floor, in bathtubs, on carpets, etc. It is always up to the parents to disinfect them.

Superhero characters, Legos, and other toys can be dangerous, especially given that young children’s bacterial population and immune system are much more vulnerable than adults.

Wooden trees are most likely full of bacteria.

Moisture and bacteria

moldy wall

Finally, wetlands are potential growth environments for all types of disease-causing microorganisms. The only solution is the regular use of disinfectants for home cleaning.

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