Remove Hair Naturally

Hair removal with threading is an effective way to keep skin hair away for up to 6 weeks. Learning to sew requires practice.
Remove skin hair naturally

Did you know that there are many gentle ways to remove skin hair using natural ingredients? At the same time, you save a long penny. By removing the hair with its roots, you will keep the skin smooth from week to week and the hair will grow back softer. Removing your hair regularly will also slow down its growth and in the long run your hair will be greatly reduced.

In this article, we will give you the best tricks for hair removal at home. You can try a paste made of sugar and lemon, silk or cotton yarn, or turmeric that will gradually weaken your hair.

Gently exfoliate the skin with sugar and lemon

Sugaring has quickly become a favorite method of hair removal for many.  Sugaring is a gentle and surprisingly painless process that removes hairs with their roots in the same way as waxing. The sugar mass only needs sugar and lemon juice, so it is suitable for sensitive and allergic skin as well. Sugar pulp is used in the same way as hot wax, but unlike wax, sugar pulp is easy to make yourself and doesn’t cost much.

Sugaring has been used since ancient Egypt and in the Middle East, sugaring has only recently spread to the west. Ready-made sugar mass can be purchased from many beauty shops and online stores, but it can also be easily done at home.


  • 400 grams of sugar
  • one lemon juice
  • Drop water if lemon juice is not enough

Here’s how to make a sugar mass:

  • Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice into a medium saucepan. Pour in the sugar. The liquid should be enough to completely cover the sugar. Add water if there is not enough lemon juice.
  • Heat the mixture slowly and stir with a wooden spoon until the sugar has completely melted. Use a thermometer to check that the mixture reaches a temperature of 115 degrees.
  • When the mixture begins to boil, reduce the heat and allow the mixture to become thicker and sticky, but still easy to mix. The color of the mixture should turn yellowish to honey, but not brownish. If the mixture has time to get a brown color on its surface, it will have time to crackle and you should make a new satin. The mixture should never boil on high heat for more than a minute.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and allow to cool.

When the mixture has cooled down but is still warm, scrape the mass into your hands into a ball. You can protect your hands with rubber gloves if the mass sticks to them. Apply the mass evenly over a small area where you want to remove hair. Do not allow the mass to solidify, but quickly jerk the mass off in the direction of hair growth.

If the mass feels sticky to the skin, you can apply a layer of talc to the skin, allowing the sugar to stick only to the hair to be removed, not the skin. Also, be sure to clean and dry your skin well before sugaring.

Once you have finished sugaring, you can apply a moisturizer or aloe Vera gel to soothe your skin. If residues of the sugar mass remain on the skin, they can be easily washed off with warm water.

remove skin hair with sugar mass

Threading with silk or cotton yarn

You may have heard of threading before, or perhaps you have been threading your eyebrows. Using a wire requires skill and a certain technique, but by practicing it you can also learn for yourself. This is the most advantageous of all hair removal methods, as it requires nothing more than a piece of wire. The thread originated in India and Egypt and has gradually spread to the west as well. The threading makes your corners beautifully streamlined and clean.

You may want to thread the corners with a professional to see how it works in practice. Threading is quick and easy as long as you learn it.

The threading uses either cotton or silk yarn, which is folded and twisted so that it plugs the skin hairs with their roots in one motion. The thread does not damage or irritate the skin.

Find online instructional videos for weaving and follow the instructions carefully. Practice makes perfect, so stay patient.

With threading, the hairs stay away for up to six weeks and the skin looks smooth. When you remove skin hair by threading, back-growing hair becomes weaker and less visible and easier to remove. The thread is well suited for use on the face area precisely because of its gentleness.

remove skin hair by threading

Mask of turmeric

After hair removal, you can try this turmeric mask on face or other body parts. Turmeric is good for the skin and also weakens the hair, so it is great to use right after hair removal.

Mix the turmeric with a drop of water to obtain a smooth and dense mixture. Apply the mixture to the areas where you have removed the hair and allow to soak for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

remove skin hair with turmeric

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