The Great Effect Of Acupressure – 5 Points On The Face

Even if not used as a treatment, acupressure can help make you feel much better, and as many know, it also relieves several types of ailments.
Great effect of acupressure - 5 points on the face
Acupressure is a technique that originated in traditional Chinese medicine. It is based on the stimulation of certain acupressure points, and thus can improve the health or general well-being of the areas of the body associated with them.

How does acupressure work?

If you’ve already tried acupressure and used it regularly, you know its great effects. It is never too late to start enjoying the great benefits provided by this technology.

Acupressure releases the tension accumulated in the body, improves blood circulation, reduces pain and helps to relax properly.

In this light, it can be said that acupressure can be of great benefit at any time when you experience tension due to stress, for example.

battery pressure helps with many ailments

However, we are now talking about this technique as an alternative form of treatment, and the pressure is not intended to cure any diseases. Instead, it is used to improve health in general, and it offers the opportunity to utilize a method that is more natural than standard treatment practices.

So we recommend that you try the next five effective battery pressure points that can be found on your face.

If at any time you feel tension and headaches, you are exhausted after a long day, or when you just want to improve your blood circulation, take the help of these techniques. You will soon find that battery pressure can effectively improve your well-being.

1. “Third eye” pressure point

third eye acupressure

This pressure point, called the “third eye,” is one of the most commonly used acupuncture points in the treatment of headaches and also migraines.

  • This point is located between the eyebrows, above the septum of the nose.
  • To stimulate that point, you can try either of the following guidelines:
    • The first way to do this pressure is very easy, as you only need to apply pressure to the area with your index finger for 60 seconds.
    • The second way is more relaxing: without lifting your finger at the “third eye,” make rotating movements. So easy !

2. Bamboo pressure point

acupressure nasal point

The so-called bamboo pressure point cares for the nasal passages, helps in relaxation, reduces stress and also allows the nose to be emptied.

  • In order to find this point of pressure, you need  to put your index finger in the inner corners of your eyes. 
  • Here we look for the bone that surrounds the eyeballs. This is a sensitive area that stimulates a number of sensations that can make you feel better even quickly.

To take advantage of this pressure point, all you have to do is apply pressure with your fingertips to those points and continue for a minute.

(You should always avoid using very strong pressure. This is because excessive force can cause pain, and can even result in visual hallucinations, such as dots or light.)

3. “Gates of Consciousness” pressure point

acupressure in the neck

This point of pressure is located at the back of the neck right at the base of the skull. It treats two important muscles in this area of ​​your body: the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles.

  • You will get many good effects if you apply pressure to this area of ​​your body, so it is definitely worth trying that method (however, it would be helpful for this pressure point if someone else was involved to help).
  • By stimulating the “gates of consciousness” pressure points, you can relieve headaches and neck stiffness.
  • This acupuncture is also a great help in treating dizziness, lightheadedness, eye pain and even tinnitus.

The assistant who applies pressure to the back of your neck should first find these two points at the base of your skull.

  • He should then press the area for five seconds with his fingertips and rub it with his knuckles for three minutes.

We recommend that you lie on the floor during this treatment.

4. “Welcome fragrance”

acupressure, cheeks

This poetically named point of pressure, the “welcome fragrance,” is found in the two areas located next to the ducts of the nose.

The benefits of this acupressure pressure are somewhat limited, but they are nonetheless beneficial as it results in the relief of migraines and a reduction in the symptoms of sinusitis.

  • To do this pressure, all you have to do is put your fingertips in the areas mentioned and rub for a minute. Extremely relaxing method!

5. “Wind Mansion” pressure point or Gv16 Fengfu 

This point has an interesting name, it’s about treating the back of the neck.

Gv16 Fengfu is located at the point where the head and neck meet. This is a very interesting point because it is one of the most well-known points of pressure and offers therapeutic effects on several organs of the body. 

Some examples of these benefits are:

  • improvement in sleep

  • intensification of digestion

  • relief of headaches, toothaches and pain caused by arthritis

  • improvement of blood circulation

In order to do this pressure, you need a piece of ice. Apply pressure to the skin with ice at three-second intervals, and continue this treatment for one minute.

You can notice the good effects of battery pressure almost immediately!

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