5 Wonderful Hairstyles For Curly Hair

Here you will find tips for curly hair. Choose the styles that suit you best!
5 wonderful hairstyles for curly hair

We all have different hair. Their properties depend on our genes, our habits, and their treatment. Curly hair is a type of Hair, but its softness and shine depend on your own hair care methods. In this article, we give 5 hairstyles for curly hair.

How curly is your hair? Are the curls soft, wavy or just afro? Always remember that  curly hair is not a bad thing. If something should be paid attention to, then the branching tops, dryness and tangling of the hair. These are challenges for curly hair.

You don’t always have to use a straightener or hair dryer. If you know how to bring out the best in your curls, you can create dazzling hairstyles.

Nature gave you waves or curls, why not take good care of them?

You are in control and you can use the curls to your full advantage. Before choosing your hair style for curly hair, take a few of our recommended tips.

for large curly hair

Instructions for curly hair

  • The wigs can only be removed by cutting the ends of the hair clean every month.
  • Comb your hair after the shower with a comb.
  • Use a conditioner and lotion suitable for curly hair when combing.
  • Allow your hair to dry naturally.
  • Use a cotton t-shirt to dry your hair instead of a towel. This way, the hair stays moisturized better.
  • Be sure to start brushing your hair from the tops so you don’t damage your hair.
  • Braid or divide your hair before going to bed.
  • If I like separated curls, put on soft curlers for the night and enjoy the results in the morning.

1. Waterfall counter

hair braiding for curly hair

Allow the hair to dry completely on its own for this hair styling. When hair is dried naturally, it also splits naturally. 


  • Take a block of hair (not all) and divide it into two equal parts.
  • Start braiding the part you separated.
  • You can add a little gel or wax to keep the little curls in check that tend to get out of the braid.
  • When the braid is ready, tie it to get to the other side with a small loop or pin and let the rest of the hair fall free.
  • Finally, you can add a little hair product of your choice to put in a few curls that are out of place.

2. Chandelier

This is a very easy hairstyle for curly hair.  This style can be used on weekdays as well as on finer occasions, and it only takes 10 minutes to do it.


  • Start by making two French or Dutch counters on each side.
  • Start at the front at the temples and finish at the back of the head. You can loosen the braids for a more plush and airy looking hairstyle.
  • You can use the pins to finish the crown and keep it in place.

3. Natural Hairstyle is suitable for curly hair

for curly hair

“If you can’t beat them, join them.” Do not try to flatten your hair if it has a lot of volume. Let the curls land freely and let them be a part of your personality.


  • Comb your hair with a comb at the very beginning.
  • Add conditioner or hair cream and comb to the tops.
  • Divide the hair into sections or braids  before going to bed.
  • Open your hair in the morning and let the curls open naturally, help with your fingers.
  • Finally, you can put some moisturizing product on your curls and keep them in place better.

4. Gibson nuttura

The Gibson knot is a classic that looks elegant and brings out your sophisticated side. It has been done since the early 20th century. It may seem challenging at first, but it’s easy to do with these guidelines:


  • Make two herringbone braids on each side and temporarily fasten with clips as you make the other side.
  • Combine all the hair into one ponytail between the middle of the occiput and the neck.
  • Divide the hair a little apart right at the base of the hair loop above it and twist the hair around your finger and insert it from the hole, forming a braid.
  • Secure with pins.

5. Hair to the side

curly hair

This hairstyle has a fresh, rebellious and daring side. It’s perfect for those women who aren’t afraid to look and pay attention and aren’t afraid to notice what their hair is capable of.


  • Moisten your hair and  add a moisturizing lotion and comb for curly hair.
  • Separate the hair at the outer end of the eyebrows and divide into two equal parts.
  • Make two small French braids on each side and finish with a loop.
  • Finally, finish with gel or wax to keep a few wild cuts in check. Spray hairspray to get more volume into your hair.

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