8 “healthy ” Foods That Are Not Good

Could it be that you often eat something that is harmful to your health, even if you think otherwise? Many foods do seem healthy, but it is always best to prepare your own meals to make sure you avoid harmful ingredients. Keep reading and you’ll find out what surprising disadvantages many familiar products have!
8 "healthy" foods that are not good

Have you decided to start a healthy lifestyle? For some, this decision comes from a desire to simply eat healthy food, or the goal may be a slimmer body, or a desire to fight some disease.

Whatever your reason for a healthy life change, remember that the reason is less important here than certain other things.

How to identify what is healthy food

It’s important that you are aware of foods that are considered healthy but are not actually so – they may even sabotage your attempt to lead a healthy life.

This is often because marketing is misleading.

These products are very misleading, and many of them only appear to be healthy or low in calories.

This time, we want to tell you what is really healthy food and what are  marketed as healthy , which seem like good options, but which are really detrimental to your well-being. Keep reading!

1. Pre-packaged salads

salad can be an unhealthy food

Pre-packaged salads are the kind of food available in many supermarkets and seem like a healthy alternative compared to many others.

However, this is not the case, as these salads are often based on nutrient-deficient ingredients.

It is also common for these salads to be frozen for several weeks. This, of course, means that the food is not fresh, and in addition, preservatives have been used.

If this doesn’t convince you yet to avoid pre-packaged salads, remember that most of these meals are sold with sauce, and such sauces are high in salt, sweeteners, and preservatives.

The best option is to make your own salads yourself. This will save you money in the first place, but you will also lose your weight.

2. Commercial smoothies

Not all smoothies are equally healthy. They are considered a health food, of course, but the fact that a product is called a smoothie does not necessarily guarantee that it is a good choice.

Commercial smoothies usually contain the following ingredients:

  • processed sugar
  • fat
  • in addition to unnecessary calories
  • additives

It is much cheaper to prepare your own smoothies in the morning. This way, you can make sure you use fresh fruits and vegetables that are the products of the season.

In addition, you can also control how much you make each time.

3. Dried fruits and nuts

whether nuts are healthy food

You’ve probably sometimes bought dried fruits and nuts that are sold as a blend. These can be found in supermarkets and kiosks and are often bought because they are considered healthy.

If you eat dried fruits and nuts in large quantities, keep in mind that they usually contain the following ingredients:

  • sulfites that act as preservatives
  • high amount of fat
  • seeds that are no longer fresh
  • too much salt

There are also healthy alternatives, ie look at the package leaflet and buy products to which no substances have been added. Alternatively, choose seeds as well as fresh fruits and vegetables as a snack.

4. Muesli and Energy Bars

Many commercial energy bars contain high-fructose corn syrup, industrially processed sugar, and saturated and trans fats.

There’s a much healthier option, too, namely you can make your own muesli bars – there are several different recipes for this, so it’s worth trying more, and you can find your own favorite.

5. Low fat products

Foods that are not fat at all do not guarantee the weight loss you may be aiming for. Instead, healthy fats bring a feeling of satiety.

However, it is important to be very careful with foods that are advertised as fat-free. They may be high in calories because other ingredients have been added to replace fat and are not always healthy.

So choose normal fat products from the store shelf.

6. Yogurt ice cream

Yogurt ice cream is the most deceptive delicacy. Many believe that by eating this, they choose a healthier option than regular ice cream, but this is certainly not the truth.

A large amount of industrially processed sugar is added to these products  , and in addition, yogurt ice cream contains artificial flavors.

If you really want yogurt ice cream that is a better option for your health, you can make your own product. Sweeten unflavoured yogurt with stevia, add the fruit, then put it in the freezer.

7. “Healthy” drinks

Diet drinks or any product of this type should be removed from the list in your mind regarding healthy products. These  are no better than regular soft drinks.

They usually contain a great deal of artificial sweeteners that have been shown to be linked to cancer. They should always be avoided.

Instead, drink coconut water or take plain water in which you have put some fruit in it. Always prepare your drink yourself.

8. Whole grain bread

is wholemeal bread really healthy

Whole grain bread is easily classified by many as a healthy food, but this is not always the case. These breads usually have labels that explain how healthy these breads are and how they can be eaten every day.

The truth, however, is that eating these breads is exactly the same thing as eating white bread.

Many breads bearing the heading ‘multigrain’ are made from  processed flour. Because of this, you then don’t get as many nutrients from whole grains as you might think. Check the product information carefully, ie what type of flour has been used in baking.

The best option is to make your own bread – it’s not difficult at all, and the result is delicious!

Get the tips in this article, and soon you will learn to identify what is really healthy food for your body and what is only marketed as healthy.

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