Why Is Quinoa Worthwhile?

For centuries, this was a favorite food of the Inca Indians, until the conquest of the Spaniards brought with it corn. Today, quinoa is already being eaten all over the world, and this time we want to talk about its many health benefits.
Why is quinoa worthwhile?

Do you know why eating quinoa is worth it? It is a seed, also called the “mother of all grains,” and is a plant that belongs to the same group as roots and spinach. Both its seeds and leaves contain a variety of nutrients.

These nutrients include amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, and are also high in fiber. 

Eating quinoa is also worth the 16 grams of protein it contains per 100 grams, and in addition it also contains six grams of fat for every ten grams of grain.

Properties of quinoa

This product has absolutely great benefits, of which here are just a few:

  • high in protein, up to 25%
  • it contains minerals: iron, magnesium and calcium
  • vitamins C, E, B1, B2 and B3
  • it is rich in amino acids
  • it provides Omega-6 fatty acids
  • its glycemic index is very low
  • it contains a lot of fiber

Eating quinoa is worthwhile for the following reasons

1. It helps to lose weight

eating quinoa helps to lose weight

Do you want to lose weight? In this case, do not hesitate, but include quinoa in your diet!

  • Its fiber and protein content helps  speed up the digestive process. Thus, it reduces the inconvenience caused by constipation.
  • It also removes bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol)  stored in the intestinal walls.
  • In addition, it contains iron and vitamin B12, which  help burn energy as well as promote weight loss. When there is not enough vitamin B in the body, the nutrients do not get combined effectively.
  • Quino also  makes you feel fuller effectively.

2. It lowers cholesterol

  • As already mentioned, Quinoa contains soluble fiber. It helps to  remove excess fat every time you eat a food.
  • In addition, the fatty acids it contains  increase the amount of good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) and instead reduce the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol).
  • A good benefit is also that antioxidants help  speed up metabolism as well as clean away the fats that clog the arteries.

3. It is a good source of energy

eating quinoa helps you wake up refreshed

If there is one such food that is definitely worth adding to an athlete’s diet, it is Quinoa.

  • This is a grain that contains proteins and amino acids that are vital for building muscle as well as repairing tissues after exercise.
  • Minerals and moisturizers make this product a great source of energy.
  • Quinoa has  twice as much protein as other grains.

4. It moisturizes the skin

Quinoa is an antioxidant food made up of flavonoids. These are responsible for  combating the signs of premature aging and removing toxic substances from the body.

It also contains lysine, which helps in the production of elastin and collagen. This makes it possible  to promote the healing of the damaged tissue more quickly.

Finally, another thing that it contains riboflavin, which increases the  elasticity and softness of the skin.

5. It reduces migraines

eating quinoa helps with headaches

When a person has a migraine, vasodilation occurs because the nerve fibers that surround the blood vessels in the brain are stretched. This causes pain, inflammation and muscle cramps.

Quinoa is rich in magnesium. This is a mineral that  helps improve blood circulation  and is especially good for  relaxing blood vessels.

6. It is an ideal food for people with celiac disease and diabetes

Quinoa is a  gluten-free product,  and thus its inclusion in the diet is in no way a danger to those with celiac disease.

People with diabetes, on the other hand, are able to benefit from its  low glycemic index, which controls blood sugar levels  as well as promotes good blood pressure.

7. It is good for hair

whether it is worth eating quinoa

The combination of nutrients, vitamins, calcium and phosphorus it contains moisturizes the scalp. In addition, it  prevents drought, as well as curbs flaking.

How is quinoa made?

Quinoa germinates very quickly and is a great solution for getting protein without eating meat.

Necessary ingredients

  • 100 g of quinoa
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • Add salt to taste)

This is how you make quinoa

  • First, wash the Quino under the tap for a very few minutes.
  • Then heat the oil in a pan, add the Quinoa, and saute.
  • Add water and also salt to taste.
  • Finally, cover and bring to a slow boil.

How to enjoy quinoa?

Once you have cooked the quinoa, it can be used in the following ways:

  • in soups or salads
  • quinoa flour is a good choice for making cakes and biscuits
  • it is also suitable for making muesli and cereals

Have you already tried this much talked about health product? If you don’t, it’s time to incorporate Quinoa eating into your cooking, as its benefits are simply great!

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