This Is How You Prevent The Bad Smell Of Your Feet!

This will prevent the bad smell of your feet!

The bad smell of the feet  is a very common dilemma, and most people will face it sooner or later in their lives. An unpleasant odor can be caused by poor foot hygiene, fungus or bacteria, the wrong kind of footwear, moisture or even stress. Although the phenomenon is very common, it is often an embarrassing and unpleasant annoyance of everyday life. So in this article, we will talk about effective natural products that you can use to control and prevent the bad smell of your feet.

There are numerous products on the market today to eliminate the bad smell of feet. However, most of the time, these products only neutralize the odor, so they rarely eliminate the problem completely. So we’ll give you a few tips to help you get rid of the unpleasant odor on your feet in an effective and natural way.

How do I prevent bad breath from my feet?

For the treatments we present to really work, it is very important to take a few steps before implementing them. The causes of the bad smell of the feet are most often in everyday ways. That’s why it’s important to first identify and correct bad habits that should be left out to properly control the bad smell on your feet.

  • Foot Hygiene: It is very important that you wash your feet daily to reduce the amount of bacteria that form in them. It would be best to use antibacterial soap, and in addition, an exfoliating agent should be used so that you can remove dead skin cells from the skin of your feet.
  • Humidity: Humidity is one of the causes of bad odors. Therefore, the feet should be kept dry and excessively humid conditions should be avoided. This will prevent the fungus from developing.
  • Deodorants: By using a deodorant suitable for your feet in spray or powder form, you can prevent excessive sweating, and thus also control odor.
  • Shoes: When choosing footwear, keep in mind that they may significantly affect the intensity of the odor that develops in your feet. It is therefore important to choose shoes that allow your feet to breathe, as closed and airtight footwear is in direct contact with a bad smell.
  • Socks: Socks that are not made of natural materials increase the smell of the feet. Therefore, whenever possible, use socks made of 100% cotton, and avoid man-made fibers.

Tricks to remove bad breath

Once you have implemented all the instructions listed above, you should also try  home treatments to remove and control naturally unwanted odors. There are several ways to clean your feet effectively to eliminate the embarrassing problem caused by odors.

Baking soda

The bad smell of the feet can be removed with baking soda.

Baking soda is nature’s own deodorant  and can be used instead of commercial spray and powder products. Sprinkle a little baking soda on your shoes and feet to avoid excessive sweating and the strong odor associated with it.

Apple cider vinegar

This product helps to remove odors from the feet and to balance the pH of the skin. It is also a mildly antibacterial product. Put 5 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a container of hot water and leave your feet in the liquid for ten minutes.


Sage has bactericidal properties.


Sage is a plant that has bactericidal properties and helps control excessive sweating in your feet. You can use sage by putting dry leaves directly in your shoes every day, or alternatively, you can immerse your feet in hot water containing sage for 15 minutes.


Ginger is a food that, like sage, has bactericidal properties. Thus, it helps to eliminate odors, and in addition, the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger reduce swelling as well as relax your feet. To take advantage of this effective treatment product, grate one medium-sized ginger root, and mix with water. Then boil the liquid for 15 minutes and use it to rub your feet before going to bed.

Rosemary, lemon and mint

Use rosemary to freshen your feet.

This natural treatment is ideal for removing bad odors from the feet as it helps reduce sweating, remove bacteria and deeply cleanse the skin. Your feet feel clean and fresh, and they are also odorless!

Here’s how to prepare a rosemary treatment:

In a large bowl, mix warm water, one lemon juice and a tablespoon of mint. Soak your feet in the liquid for 15 minutes, and then dry them thoroughly to remove all moisture.

Try these natural tips to make your feet odorless and fresh at home!

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