7 Reasons To Enjoy Collagen Every Day

Although collagen can be taken in the form of a supplement, the best way to ingest it is to eat foods that contain it naturally. This way you can enjoy all its benefits to the maximum.
7 reasons to ingest collagen daily

You’ve probably heard from many sources how important it is to enjoy enough collagen. It is found both in cosmetic products and in some foods where it is naturally present.

Do you know exactly what collagen really is and how it benefits your body?

Now, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about this important factor – so keep reading and you’ll hear about seven reasons to take collagen daily !

What is collagen?

Collagen is a substance that plays a role in the formation of bones, cartilage and skin. It is a vital factor for both human and animal health – it is in all of us, and we all need it.

It is normal for the amount of collagen in the body to decrease over time. Sometimes, however, this results in problems, as the reduction causes bone problems, wrinkles, and snaps in the joints.

In the following, we talk about the most important benefits and roles of collagen for the well-being of the body.

1. It helps the body make better use of exercise


The first benefit of consuming collagen on a daily basis is that you get enough of it given to your body to promote muscle formation. 

This means that you get all the following benefits:

  • You need less exercise to improve the condition of your muscles as well as burn fat.
  • Your body will recover much faster when you train hard.
  • You will be  less likely to suffer injuries  as your muscles will be stronger and more durable.

To this end, of course, it is also important to enjoy high-quality proteins such as lean meats and fish. However, you should not stop exercising completely just because you get a lot of collagen!

2. It promotes skin scarring

You’ve probably noticed that many cosmetic products that promise scar fading are high in collagen. This is because this factor  helps the skin to heal and create new cells without damaging the skin tissues.

So if you are prone to acne or problems like this, you may want to add collagen as well as collagen-containing foods to your daily routine. You can also wear masks that reduce the visibility of scars and pregnancy scars.

3. It improves joint health

knee pain

One reason to start taking collagen is that it maintains flexibility and hydration in the joints. In addition, this substance keeps cartilage in good condition.

  • When your joints are healthy, they are flexible and resilient. Thus, you will be less likely to suffer injuries.
  • If you notice that your joints are constantly banging, or if you feel pain or frequent fractures, take collagen regularly.

In certain situations, doctors recommend injecting new cartilage. If this is your situation, take enough collagen every day to support your treatment.

4. It maintains skin elasticity

The structure of the skin depends largely on collagen. As a person ages, the condition of the skin deteriorates, resulting in wrinkles and other aesthetic problems.

If you expose yourself to certain factors, such as tobacco smoke, the sun’s UV rays, pollution, and chemicals, it is also important to always do certain preventative things to protect your skin.

5. It helps to stay full longer and with less food

If your goal is to lose weight without compromising your health, keep in mind that collagen powder is high in protein.

However, if you add powder to your favorite feet or drinks, you can enjoy them in the former pattern, as this powder does not change the taste at all. However,  it will keep you saturated for longer.

So try the following recipe – it’s perfect for breakfast.

Necessary ingredients

  • 2 tablespoons collagen powder
  • 1 tablespoon oats
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder (dark, sugar-free)
  • ½ cups of spinach (30 g)
  • 1 cup almond milk (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon honey

This is how this treatment is prepared

  • Mix all the ingredients together and enjoy your drink immediately.

This mixture is a great choice when you don’t want to miss out on sweet treats so that weight management doesn’t become too demanding.

It’s also great for situations where your child refuses to eat vegetables for breakfast – or when he or she doesn’t want anything other than cocoa.

6. It prevents cardiovascular disease

One benefit of consuming collagen on a daily basis is that it promotes the elasticity of the flaps in the blood and lymphatics. This means that your body can clean itself more easily, and you can reduce the risk of low blood pressure.

Remember that in addition to using collagen as part of your diet on a regular basis, it is important to pay attention to how you otherwise eat, and it is also important to avoid harmful fats.

7. Daily use of collagen increases eye health

woman's eye

With collagen, you may be able to significantly improve the health of your corneas.

That’s why we recommend collagen in case you need glasses  or if your ophthalmologist has noticed symptoms of intraocular pressure.

Also, be sure to eat foods that improve your vision (such as a carrot) and protect your eyes from the sun’s UV rays and pollution.

How can collagen be taken daily?

The best solution to get collagen is to always enjoy it as part of your diet. Keep in mind that it should be in as natural a form as possible.

Some foods that are high in collagen include the following:

  • green vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, spinach, lettuce)
  • sardines
  • cucumber
  • strawberry
  • oysters
  • chicken
  • fish

Other ways to take in collagen is to use it in the form of powder, capsules or pills.  However, you should visit a nutritionist or doctor for information on supplements and the right amounts of them.

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