Sleep Better By Eating These Foods

Sleep better by eating these foods

Sleep is an important part of physical and mental health and balance, and too little sleep quickly has a negative effect on the health of the whole body. Irritability, depression, fatigue, and other symptoms are a clear sign of a poorly anesthetized night.  Sleep better so you feel energetic and renewed. At the same time, you make sure that your body is functioning normally.

Millions of people suffer from insomnia and difficulty sleeping, and most of us have experienced a bad night’s sleep at least once in our lives: either sleep doesn’t want to come, or you wake up through the night and can no longer catch your sleep. Worries and anxieties can be controlled, as can small children who wake up at night. The stress and hustle and bustle of modern life have shortened the night’s sleep and also technology, cell phone and computer use, can interfere with falling asleep and quality of sleep. Sleep better with the tips in this article.

To ensure a good and quality night’s sleep, it is important to organize your schedule so that you have enough time for a good night’s sleep. You also sleep better when the bedroom is a comfortable, safe place to sleep. Sleep experts recommend removing electronic devices from the bedroom and following a healthy diet. Eating foods that irritate your digestion should be avoided before going to bed.

Many studies have found that a healthy diet is an important part of proper sleep and rest, and that a good quality diet also prevents insomnia. According to similar studies, certain foods can help you sleep better. J otkin food-products containing the central nervous system of relaxing ingredients and stimulate the production of chemical compounds such as melatonin and serotonin.

Sleep better with these foods


Oats are often recommended for breakfast, but oats can also be eaten at other times of the day. Oats are perfect to enjoy in the evenings. Eat oatmeal with yogurt or oatmeal three hours before bedtime, and help your body relax and sleep better. K aura namely, stimulates the production of melatonin. In addition, oats take care of the circulatory system and are suitable for diabetics.


Sleep better by enjoying almonds

A handful of almonds can help you sleep better without waking up at night. This is due to the magnesium and tryptophan contained in almonds, which have a sleepy effect.


Add honey to milk or tea in the evening and sleep better and deeper during the night. Honey contains glucose, which signals to the brain that it should reduce the amount of orexin in the body. Orexin is responsible for the state of alertness in the body and can cause insomnia if there is a lot of it in the bloodstream.

Whole grain bread

Whole grain contains vitamins B1 and B6. Combine whole grains with honey, and you get a strong sleep-promoting food. Honey and whole grains together enhance the transport of tryptophan to the brain, where it is converted to serotonin and improves sleep quality. Spread a layer of honey on top of wholemeal toast: this delicious dinner tastes great for both children and adults. Sleep better and also ensure a good night’s sleep for your loved ones.


sleep better

One of the best ways to ensure a good night’s sleep and avoid a nocturnal awakening is to enjoy melatonin. Melatonin is a so-called a nocturnal hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain. Melatonin helps the body’s internal clock stay up to date by regulating circadian rhythms and promoting sleep. Cherries, just like oats and walnuts, are a natural source of melatonin and consuming them can promote falling asleep and deep sleep.

Herbal teas

Drinking herbal tea in the evenings before going to bed can make it easier to get sleep and make sleep peaceful and uninterrupted. Chamomile, lavender, Melissa, passion flower, lime flower, lemon and many other herbal teas are suitable for body relaxation and soothing. By ingesting these tea extracts, you will prepare your body for sleep and sleep better. A tea moment can be a peaceful and comfortable part of your evening routine, during which you calm down and prepare for sleep.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate can be eaten both during the day and in the evening. This delicacy stimulates serotonin production, and promotes relaxation of the body and mind. Enjoy a few pieces of dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa) at the end of the dinner.


sleep better

Bananas work like a sleeping pill. This traditional superfood is high in nutrients and stimulates the production of melatonin and serotonin in the brain. Eating a banana before going to bed gives your body a decent dose of magnesium and potassium, which work by relaxing the muscles and central nervous system.  You are sure to get a good, rejuvenating sleep and wake up in the morning energetic and refreshed to a new day.

Warm milk

This old gimmick is guaranteed to work. Many may remember from childhood how a father or mother made a glass of warm milk when sleep did not want to come. Warm milk is a delicious drink that contains tryptophan, which promotes the production of melatonin and seratonin and relaxes the whole body.


Chicken contains tryptophan. Enjoy the chicken on wholemeal bread in the afternoon, this way it will have time to melt properly and help with sleep and sleep.

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