The Best Seeds Your Body Needs

Seeds are high in minerals, proteins, vitamins, enzymes and fatty acids. If you want to take advantage of these benefits, you should add raw seeds to your favorite foods.
The best seeds your body needs

According to some philosophers, seeds are life. For some this is the truth, for others seeds are just a great source of nutrients when eaten raw. Many seeds are edible and actually contain more natural oils than what we normally use in cooking. In this article, we talk about the best seeds for health.

The secret lies in the seeds

In addition to having a lot of health effects, seeds are easy to store and use. Seeds played an important role in the diet as early as ancient times and are still widely used today. It may be that you will come up with some reasons why you would not add them to your diet, for example because they are expensive, but incorporating seeds into your diet is actually very easy.

It may also be that you think the seeds are just for birds, but that’s not true either. Those little seeds contain vital proteins, minerals, vitamins, enzymes and fatty acids.

Oilseeds are the most recommended seeds because of their healthy fatty acids. In the fight against hunger at work or on the go, you get a great snack from the seeds that fits in even the smallest bag.

We recommend eating the seeds only raw to get the best benefits from them. If you soak them, they will digest more easily in the stomach. They can also be eaten among foods, such as juices, soups or smoothies.

Nutritionally the best seeds

Chia seeds

These dark seeds are high in minerals, vitamins, fiber, antioxidants and proteins. Just like fish, Chia seeds contain Omega-3 fatty acids. These seeds help reduce joint pain, protect against diabetes or heart disease, help stay slim, and provide energy. They are gluten free and can improve brain function as well as protect the liver.


the best seeds: Chia

Hemp seeds

These brownish seeds help cure immune disorders and tuberculosis, and contain amino acids (such as those your body cannot produce on its own), fatty acids like Omega-6 and -3, easily digestible proteins, phytonutrients to protect blood, cells, tissues, skin, mitochondria and internal organs. Eating hemp seeds will help you stay healthy.

Pomegranate seeds

Beautifully colored in red or dark purple, pomegranate is a good source of antioxidants and can help protect the body from free radicals that cause premature aging. Pomegranate seeds help the blood maintain oxygen balance and prevent it from clotting, and they are also very polyphenolic and can thus reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. They contain vitamin C, potassium, are low in calories and can lower cholesterol and treat the flu. In patients with arthritis, these seeds can prevent cartilage damage.


best seeds: pomegranate

Flax seeds

These reddish-brown seeds contain important fibers for the digestive system to help you feel full and lose weight. They can help relieve stomach pain, fight inflammation, and prevent the growth of tumors and cancer. They have antioxidant properties, promote digestion and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Pumpkin seeds

This seed is often yellow or orange, and pumpkin seed contains alkaloids and proteins that are good for you. They contain vitamin B, which helps relieve depression. They facilitate general well-being, prevent kidney stones, and can help keep parasites, especially tapeworms, at bay.


best seeds: pumpkin

Sesame seeds

This pale seed is familiar to everyone. They are a good source of iron, magnesium, calcium, copper, vitamin B, zinc, phosphorus and fiber. These seeds contain unique elements from a fiber that can help you maintain healthy blood pressure and protect your liver.

Sunflower seeds

Small and white in color, the sunflower seed has a dark bark inside. They contain vitamin E, which helps neutralize free radicals while protecting the brain and cells. They can lower cholesterol, improve the immune system and reduce the risk of cancer. They contain magnesium, making it easier to control asthma and high blood pressure as well as headaches and strokes.


best seeds: sunflower


The seeds of the quinoa are small and round. They have been used for thousands of years in America and are known there as the “mother grain”. They contain iron, phosphorus and proteins. Because they are high in fiber, they help with constipation and weight loss as they give a feeling of satiety for a long time. Quinoa is easy to add to many recipes, such as pies, soups, muesli, and bread.

Cumin seeds

Cumin seeds are known for their many natural health effects and have been used for a long time. They can relieve digestive problems, act as an antiseptic, are iron-containing and can strengthen liver function. If you have the flu or a sore throat, cumin seeds can help, and they can also boost your metabolism. They stimulate your immune system, make it easier to control asthma and arthritis, and protect your kidneys.

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