6 Signs Of Gallbladder Problems

These symptoms may be due to other ailments, but if you suffer from them on a regular basis, it is advisable to see a doctor to rule out any complications and get the correct diagnosis and treatment.
6 signs of gallbladder problems

The gallbladder is a small organ located under the liver. Its main function is to secrete bile, which helps to break down fats. By releasing bile fluid from the bile duct, it helps break down some of the waste left in the gut.

Identify signs of gallbladder problems

Sometimes, however, there are problems with bile function. This is because substances can remain in the duct that cause blockages and thus prevent the passage of bile. As a result, a number of symptoms can occur that can have a major impact on quality of life if the problem is not treated in a timely manner.

For this reason, it is essential to know how these problems manifest themselves. Once they are identified, it is important to see a doctor.

Next, we share six signs that tell about gallbladder problems.

1. Swelling and flatulence

abdominal pain symptom of gallbladder problems

The gallbladder is involved in digestion by releasing a substance that plays a very important role in breaking down fat.

When there are blockages or problems in the bile ducts, digestion becomes more difficult and symptoms such as swelling and excessive gas formation begin to appear.

This is due to the accumulation of waste. When it is not removed in an optimal way, it begins to ferment and a gas causing discomfort is formed.

2. Pain and heaviness in the abdomen

Pain and heaviness in the abdomen can also be a symptom of gallbladder problems. This symptom, which sometimes extends to the right side of the back, is due to an inflammatory disorder caused by poor digestion.

  • The pain usually appears suddenly and lasts for about 15 minutes.
  • Then it disappears and burns again, lasting 12-15 hours.

This symptom should be analyzed with your doctor as it may be a sign of gallstones.

3. Nausea and dizziness

nausea is a symptom of gallbladder problems

Nausea and recurrent dizziness are also symptoms that should never be ignored.

It is true that they can be due to many reasons. However, keep in mind that they can also occur in gallbladder problems. This is because bile is unable to use bile fluid to break down fats, which increases the amount of waste in the gut and blood.

In addition, when gallstones form , pressure appears in the stomach, which can cause nausea and vomiting.

4. Bad breath

Bad breath can be caused by bacterial infections or poor hygiene. But when it is repetitive and difficult to control, it can be due to difficulties in the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

In the latter case, there may be a metallic taste in the mouth which, together with the bad smell, causes discomfort. This is due to the accumulation of toxins and poor bile fluid production.

5. Loss of appetite

anorexia is a symptom of gallbladder problems

A sudden loss of appetite is also a sign that something is not working in the body as it should. While it may be due to chronic inflammatory diseases, it is also a common symptom of digestive problems caused by gallbladder dysfunction.

  • Loss of appetite lasting several days may indicate inflammation or blockage of the bile ducts as a result of stone formation.
  • As the problem progresses, patients who experience it experience swelling and a feeling of fullness.

6. Jaundice can be caused by gallbladder problems

If the skin or whites of the eyes are yellowish in tone, it is very important to see a doctor to find out if the symptom is due to jaundice. This discomfort arises from the accumulation of bile fluid in the gallbladder, which sometimes leads to the formation of stones.

  • This substance is able to travel through the bloodstream to many tissues and cells in the body.
  • This is a serious health problem that requires medical attention.

Do you recognize the above symptoms? Do you have two or more of them? If so, see a doctor for possible gallbladder problems.

If you are diagnosed with gallbladder problems, keep in mind that you need to improve your lifestyle in addition to the treatment prescribed by your doctor. It is essential to avoid a sedentary lifestyle, but above all, follow a balanced diet that is low in fat, sugar and calories.

Finally, the liver and gallbladder need cleansing to eliminate toxins and function properly. Learn to cleanse the liver and gallbladder naturally.

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