Does Aromatherapy Relieve Menstrual Cramps?

The scent of certain essential oils seems to have a calming effect on some ailments such as menstrual cramps. We’ll tell you what studies say about this and how you take advantage of aromatherapy at home.
Does aromatherapy relieve menstrual cramps?

Aromatherapy was used in ancient times as an additional aid in relieving menstrual pain and other types of pain. It uses essential oils from various plants that, according to some studies, have anti-inflammatory and sedative effects. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at whether aromatherapy relieves menstrual pain.

Although aromatherapy is not the primary treatment for menstrual pain ,  many women use it in the first days of bleeding  because they get a nice relief from the ailment. What do the studies say about this? And how can you take advantage of aromatherapy at home? Keep reading!

What is aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is an alternative form of treatment that uses several plant compounds and essential oils whose properties relax and relieve pain. Their uses are inhalation and application to the skin (along with some base oil).

Aromatherapy is popular in traditional Chinese medicine because  it is believed to help relieve rheumatoid arthritis, muscle pain, and respiratory problems, among many other ailments. However, it is not considered to be part of conventional medicine due to the lack of scientific evidence to support its effects.

Aromatherapy may be helpful for a variety of ailments
Essential oils emit fragrances, the mixing and use of which offer various benefits.

Does aromatherapy relieve menstrual cramps?

One of the most significant uses of Aromatherapy is related to the relief of menstrual pain. For years, many women with primary dysmenorrhea have used this method as an additional aid in relieving symptoms. And while there is a lack of research to show its effectiveness, many anecdotal evidence tells of its benefits.

Aromatherapy can help reduce the intensity of menstrual pain and other menstrual-related symptoms through both inhalation and massage. How does this happen? According to some researchers, the explanation lies in its snow effect.

However, some hypotheses suggest that the oils used actually have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, with the result that they would help reduce abdominal pain and inflammation during menstruation.

 Does aromatherapy relieve menstrual cramps – what do the studies say?

As already mentioned, there is not enough evidence of the menstrual pain relieving effect of Aromatherapy. Nevertheless, some studies suggest that it would have beneficial effects on menstrual pain.

For example, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine found that  the use of essential oils in aromatherapy for therapeutic purposes can curb primary dysmenorrhea. These effects occur in both massage and inhalation.

In contrast, a randomized controlled trial published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that topical aromatherapy with lavender, sage, and rose is an effective menstrual pain reliever.

In addition, studies have found that  massage with a mixture of essential oils (cinnamon, cloves, rose and lavender) and almond oil helped reduce pain and even excessive bleeding during menstruation. For the time being, however, more research is needed to confirm this.

How do you take advantage of aromatherapy at home?

One of the major benefits of Aromatherapy is that it is considered safe for most people. Plus, you can take advantage of it at home with just a few ingredients. You only need essential base oils and some base oil such as olive, coconut or almond oil.

Necessary ingredients

  • 5 drops of essential oil (lavender, rose, sage, chamomile)
  • 1 tablespoon base oil


  • First mix five drops of essential oil with a tablespoon of base oil  (coconut, olive or almond oil).
  • When the mixture is ready,  gently rub the oil on the abdominal area.
  • Make rotating movements for 5-10 minutes.
  • If the pain persists,  you can repeat the massage 3-5 times a day.

The second option

  • Soak 5-10 drops of essential oil in a pot of boiling water.
  • Then breathe in the steam coming out of the boiler.
  • The same can be done with an aromatherapy diffuser.
Further research is needed into whether aromatherapy relieves menstrual pain
Menstrual cramps are uncomfortable for many women and even prevent them from doing their daily chores.

Warnings regarding aromatherapy

In most cases, aromatherapy is safe. Nevertheless, it is best to perform a small test on the oils before using them completely. Do this by rubbing a very small amount of oil on the skin and wait for a day. If after this time the skin shows no signs of irritation and no other discomfort, the oil can be used without any problems.

Some inhaled oils can also cause allergic reactions in certain people. Therefore, if congestion, sneezing or other allergy symptoms occur during their use, it is best to stop using them.

Aromatherapy: additional help for menstrual pain

Aromatherapy can be a useful additional aid in relieving menstrual pain. However, it is not the primary treatment option and its effects may be only temporary.

If your menstrual pain is recurrent and crippling,  it is best to see a doctor. Your doctor will determine if further tests are needed and will advise you on other treatment options.

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