There Is A Healer Living Inside You Too

A healer is a person who believes in herself and her potential. He utilizes his self-confidence to unite and grow as a person, not forgetting his loved ones. Are you a healer?
A healer lives inside you too

The concept of the healer is a common theme in anthropology and in works on the spirituality of libraries. However, reflecting on this concept and related issues can help you grow as a woman. It may be worthwhile to find, or rather rediscover.

The healer within you is an essence full of stories and wisdom passed down from generation to generation.

The healer will wake up inside you sooner or later and allow you to see things in a more balanced, intuitive and wise way. He understands that the person who can help you the most is… you yourself.

Today we would like to invite you to reflect on this interesting and useful concept.

A healer as your own cure

internal healer

Throughout your own personal history and as a global cultural heritage, the person of the healer has almost always been associated with elderly care and parenting.

This may be due to a woman’s strong sense of duty to dedicate all of her energy and love to other people. Naturally, this makes many forget about taking care of themselves.

You may have noticed this in your grandmothers and even in your own mother. But believe it or not, in today’s modern and supposedly equal world, this same pattern is still repeated. Women still put their loved ones, husbands, children, and their own parents ahead of themselves.

Naturally, this will eventually lead to self-forgetfulness.

You know that care and affection come from love. However, real problems arise when a person loses touch with his or her own identity, needs, and self-esteem. This should not happen. We need to see things from a different perspective.

The healer should emerge in society as a revival.

We need to understand that all the things we need, want, or feel left out except are found within us.

You are your own cure. As soon as you start treating yourself with love and realize that everything you have, including losses, is a beautiful life lesson, you will learn to be much stronger.

Accept your heritage with open arms

healer and partners

A healer is also a person who has unified her past to walk free in the present. This can only happen by accepting their roots and forgiving things that have hurt themselves.

Forgiveness, however, does not mean tolerating or accepting another person’s misconduct. Above all, it means letting go to move forward. It is forgiveness so that you can move forward in life while maintaining a strong bond with yourself.

The healer also maintains a strong bond with other women: her mother, sisters, friends, etc. This covenant makes it easier for her to be united, for there is nothing more cleansing than sharing experiences with others, relieving her feelings, helping others, listening, and offering advice.

How to be a healer

woman and colors

You don’t have to be a certain age to let your inner healer free. You can reach personal, mental maturity at any time, as long as you finally feel like you are the master of your own life.

This is something to consider.

Love for yourself

You have every right to love your family, partners, children and friends with all your heart. However, every wise woman understands that no love is true unless you first learn to love yourself.

If you don’t love yourself enough, you expect others to give you the oxygen you need and fill the vacuum in your heart.

To be a healer, you need to understand that loving yourself is not a selfish act. It is the foundation of good mental health.

Goodness, strength and faith in intuition

The healer does not expect anything from anyone. He expects everything from himself because he knows he is brave, capable, and worthy. He sees life through love and respect. He gives his all to others, but never forgets himself.

She has experience on her side, as well as the wisdom and perseverance she has inherited from her mother, grandmother, and the women she has seen fighting every day to turn her grief into strength.

Nor can we ignore his subtle balance between reason and intuition. He understands that life requires being receptive and attentive and putting his own ego aside.

When it is time to make decisions, he listens to the voice of his intuition, for there lies his inner experience, wisdom, and power.

Does this sound like you or someone you love?

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