What Is Valkopälvi? Learn All About Its Causes And Symptoms

Although whooping cough is considered a so-called benign illness, it can be a socially and psychologically awkward condition for its wearer.
What is Valkopälvi?  Learn all about its causes and symptoms

Vitiligo is a chronic disease that causes abnormal pigmentation of the skin.  It forms white areas of different sizes and shapes on the skin. They are usually found in darker areas of the skin or in those parts that are prone to friction. For example, the face, armpits, lips, intimate areas, and hands are more prone to whitening. In this article, we will share with you the facts about whiteness.

Facts about whitewash

This disease affects 1-2 percent of the population. In general, it affects people aged 20-30, or those over 50. However, it can occur at any time in life and is more common in women than men.  

White film is not contagious. Its emergence is unpredictable, and it tends to move forward. Oddly enough, there are a few victims of this disease for whom normal skin color returns later. The few cases where this happens almost always happen to children.


Until now, science has ignored the source of this disease.  Experts believe it may be an autoimmune disease, but there is not enough evidence to confirm this. In addition, there is a positive association with genetic factors. One in five people with whites has a relative who also has this disease.

The most accepted hypothesis of all is that the loss of pigmentation occurs because melanocytes develop processes of self-destruction. There are other factors involved as well, such as sunburn and mental stress.

The level of pigmentation loss varies from patient to patient. From time to time it starts quickly and then stops abruptly, and for this reason it is ignored. The majority of cases involve clinical evaluation:  active periods of illness vary with stable periods.


The main features of whitehead are white areas on the skin. They first appear in areas that are exposed to the sun. As we mentioned earlier, they also appear on mucous membranes and areas with friction.

facts about whiteness

The number of commas increases over time. This is completely unpredictable and manifests in different ways for everyone. Of course, it is much more noticeable in people with darker skin. Blondes only notice these areas when the skin around them is red or they have a rash.

Even if the scalp does not look affected by whitehead, it is common for hair to turn gray prematurely. In all cases, this disease is considered to be of good quality as it does not cause serious damage to the body. The main problem is aesthetic and psychological.

White film types

There are two types of white matter: non-fragmented, i.e., type A, and fragmented, i.e., type B.  Type A is more common and is primarily a genetic factor. There are four subtypes that depend on the distribution of the pigmentation deficiency process.

Whitish face
  • Local.  There are a few commas, and they are all in a certain area.
  • They are in the hands or near facial openings.
  • Lack of pigmentation in the legs and hands.
  • General. The distribution of spots is random and covers most of the body. This is the most common form of whitehead.

Type B Whitewash is less common. It usually occurs at an early age, in children and young people. It almost always starts as a rapid increase in spots, but then usually slows down after about a year.

Diagnosis and prognosis

The unusual way is to get a doctor’s examination as well as take a clinical history to make a diagnosis.  This includes a detailed examination of the commas to make sure they belong to the disease. At the same time, the doctor asks about the family history and the general health of the patient.

If the situation is uncertain, or if symptoms suggest other conditions, your doctor will eventually order additional tests, such as the following:

  • A test piece of skin
  • UV lamp research
  • Blood test
  • Eye examination

Researchers are currently looking for the causes of whitehead. They basically focus on three areas. The first is to determine the incidence of stress and trauma caused by this condition. The second is to determine the effect of genes on white blood cell. Eventually, they develop experiments in laboratory rats to develop new treatments.

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