5 Plants That Are Easy To Grow Again

Are you looking for easy vegetables that you can grow again? You don’t have to look beyond these awesome five! 
5 plants that are easy to grow again

Many don’t realize that many vegetables can be re-grown at home using a few simple tricks, utilizing the parts that would otherwise be considered waste.

Daily vegetable intake is a way that can help you lose weight and improve your health in many ways.

Which vegetables are easy to grow again

Vegetables that are high in vitamins and minerals and contain other essential nutrients must be included in the normal diet. However, you won’t always find them fresh in the store, and sometimes their price can be so high that you have to leave them on the shelf and look for other options.

Since this may seem a little complicated, today we want to show you what vegetables you can grow again, and how to do it easily.

Find out what they are!

1. Salad

lettuce can be grown again

Salad is a low-calorie vegetable that provides your body with a good amount of essential nutrients that support your metabolism, kidney and heart health.

Along one side of this plant you can get another fresh batch of salad, which is an ideal addition to salads and smoothies. 

How to grow a lettuce again?

  • Take an inch from the bottom of the salad and dip it in a bowl of water.
  • When the roots appear, wait several days until you see a slight growth in the leaves.
  • Transfer this to your pot or garden and let it complete the growth process.

2. Seller

Celery is a vegetable that adds a little flavor and nutrients to the meals you make every day.

You can use old celery stalks to grow it at home and enjoy it 100% fresh and organic. 

What should you do?

  • Cut an inch from the celery stalk and place it in a bowl, cut side up.
  • Add enough water to cover the bottom.
  • Store the box in a sunny place and water regularly until the roots begin to form.
  • When you notice the roots, plant the celery in the ground or in a pot and wait until the whole plant grows. 

3. Asparagus

Asparagus is delicious, varied and above all it is healthy.

This thin stem has become very popular not only because it is an important source of nutrients, but also because it helps in weight loss.

While it can be easy to grow from seed, you can also get a good asparagus crop if you plant old stems.

What should you do?

  • Get a few ripe asparagus stalks and plant them in loose soil.
  • Make sure you water them regularly and carefully, making sure they don’t get too wet, as it can damage the roots. 
  • This plant requires partial sunlight and the soil should be nourished with natural fertilizers.
  • After a year or two of planting, you will get your first crop.

4. Basilica

Basil has been used since ancient times for cooking and making natural herbs.

Just like celery, it’s a simple herb to grow at home, and you don’t need more than a few pieces of its stems. 

What should you do?

  • Take a few inches of basil stalks and add them to a cup of water.
  • Place them in a place where they will receive direct sunlight and leave them immersed in water until the roots begin to grow. 
  • When this happens, move them to the pot where they will continue to grow.

5. Carrots

carrots can be grown again

You can re-grow this popular vegetable that can be found in many recipes using ingredients that you will most certainly normally throw away.

Even if you don’t get a whole new carrot, much of the vegetable is reborn.

What should you do?

  • Cut a couple of cents from the end of the carrot and place a few toothpicks around it so that it is supported on top of the glass.
  • Add water until it touches the bottom of the carrot.
  • Store this where it will receive direct sunlight and add more water if needed. 
  • When you notice the roots appearing, plant it in a pot.

Are you ready to try these tips at home? Now that you know, you can take advantage of your vegetable waste to get a new crop. Remember these jips and you will enjoy fresh vegetables for longer!

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