Remove Toxins And Lose Weight With Leek

Leek has a dehydrating effect that washes away toxins and waste products. Leek is rich in vitamins, minerals and easily absorbed fiber, which improves digestive function.
Remove toxins and lose weight with leek

This simple leek recipe is suitable for use as part of a weight loss regimen as it accelerates the body’s natural cleansing. Lose weight with leek and also get more energy.

The taste of leek is much milder than that of onion and it is also suitable for those whose taste of onion is too strong. Leek fits many different recipes and by enjoying leek you will lose weight faster. Leek is especially suitable for women and has been used for centuries to cure women’s ailments. So lose weight with leek easily and in a delicious way.

Leek has been used since ancient times in Rome and Greece, and the old texts deal with e.g. how infertility and other problems have been treated with leek. In addition, leeks have been used to treat shortness of breath and fatigue.

In this article, we will give you instructions on how to prepare a cleansing leek treatment that removes toxins and enhances weight loss.

Leek is suitable for health care

Leek belongs to the genus Allicaeae , which grow like onions and garlic. Allicaeae vegetables taste sweeter than their cousins, and this gives them versatility in the kitchen.

We have also written many articles on carrots, beets, garlic and lemon. It’s time to add leek to this list, as it deserves its place as one of the healthiest and most effective vegetables. Add leek to your weekly meal and lose weight with leek!

lose weight with leek

Leek, a great source of nutrients

  • Leek is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids that curb inflammation and the side effects of free radicals.
  • Don’t forget that leeks provide plenty of vitamins A and C to help cleanse the body, eliminate inflammation and restore the body’s natural pH balance.
  • Leek contains very few calories, making it a great fit for a dieter’s diet. 100 grams of fresh leek contains only 61 calories, so it can be used to make delicious, low-calorie soups, for example.
  • Leek is rich in good quality fiber. By consuming leeks regularly you will prevent constipation.
  • This simple vegetable provides the body with plenty of vitamins and minerals such as zinc, iron, potassium and magnesium – all of which are important for the efficient functioning of the body.
  • On top of all this, leek is full of healthy folic acid, making it especially suitable for a pregnant woman’s diet.

Leek contains nature’s own antibiotics

  • Although leek does not produce as much allicin as garlic, it does contain an effective amount of this natural antibiotic that suppresses inflammation.
  • According to experiments performed in research centers, the allicin in leeks and garlic prevents the accumulation of plaque in the blood vessels and prevents excessive cholesterol in the bloodstream. Allicin prevents the accumulation of certain enzymes in the liver, which in turn keeps the circulatory system clean. Leek is a really healthy vegetable.

Leek is good for the heart

This easy leek recipe helps take care of the circulatory system. Regular consumption of leeks releases nitric oxide through the walls of blood vessels. This speeds up blood circulation and prevents blood clots from forming.

Remove toxins and lose weight with leek

Leek contains a large amount of water, which makes it a diuretic food that removes toxins and waste products. Leek is known as a cleansing plant, which is especially suitable for dieters.

Manufacture of leeks

lose weight with leek


  • 3 leeks
  • 1 liter of water
  • Juice of one lemon


  • This drink can be used to cleanse and lose weight. You only need a few ingredients: three larger leek bars and one lemon. If you’ve tried making a cleansing artichoke drink, making a leek drink works the same way.
  • Fill the pot with water and bring to a boil. Wash and chop the leeks and add them to boiling water, bring to a boil for a few minutes.
  • When the leek has softened, remove the pan from the stove and strain the water.
  • Pour the water into a glass bottle and add the lemon juice.
  • You can use the sifted leeks to make a delicious soup, so don’t throw them away.

This is how you enjoy a cleansing leek drink

  • Drink a cup of liquid on an empty stomach as soon as you wake up in the morning and let it soak in peace before eating breakfast. Enjoy the drink at room temperature – you can pour a cup the night before and let it stand on the kitchen table until morning. A room-temperature drink speeds up the metabolism and stimulates digestion, the active ingredients get to work more effectively when warm.
  • Enjoy another cup 15 minutes before lunch.
  • Drink the third cup in the afternoon and the last 15 minutes before dinner. So lose weight with leek, thus consuming a total of 4 cups of leek drink a day.

You can follow this cleansing, slimming diet for 10 consecutive days.  Combine drinking with a healthy diet and regular exercise, visible results will soon appear. The health effects of leeks are many, and you can enjoy leeks weekly in soups, salads and other dishes.

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