A New Food Pyramid For A Healthy Life

A healthy lifestyle that includes physical activity is the foundation of the new food pyramid. It recommends exercising for at least an hour a day to stay fit and prevent disease.
A new food pyramid for a healthy life

Do you know what a new food pyramid is like? In this article, we talk about new nutritional recommendations so you can follow them and improve your health.

To stay healthy, you need to eat a balanced diet. The best way to do this is to enjoy products from different food groups. A healthy diet should also be supplemented with activities that benefit and strengthen the body, such as regular exercise.

The Spanish Society of Community Nutrition (SENC) recently introduced some new dietary guidelines. It made improvements to the so-called food pyramid, which helps people live healthier lives and improve their quality of life in general.

The new food pyramid: the foundation

Vegetables play an important role in the new food pyramid

One of the biggest changes to the old food pyramid was made on its foundation. This first tray in the pyramid recommends living a healthy life by exercising for at least 60 minutes a day.

The basis of a healthy diet is regular exercise and appropriate weight. Whatever happens, what’s important is keeping the body in shape, improving performance, and strengthening the heart as well as resistance. This will help prevent degenerative diseases.

Exercising makes it easier to maintain a good energy balance, ie to prevent weight gain. On the other hand, the body must be given enough energy to perform all activities.

If you have eaten too many or unhealthy foods, exercise will help you burn those extra calories. This will help prevent fat buildup.

Eat dishes from all food groups

The second compartment of the new food pyramid includes whole grains, starches and healthy carbohydrates.

Fruits and vegetables should be eaten two to three times a day. They provide essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, so they need to be eaten regularly.

We recommend choosing fruit for dessert instead of high-sugar and high-fat products. The fruit helps to curb the moods of the sweet without causing any health problems and without gaining weight.

Dairy products should also be included in the daily diet. People with lactose intolerance can opt for milk-free substitutes. There are many low-fat and non-fat versions for weight watchers.

White meats, chicken and fish are also part of the new food pyramid and should preferably be cooked on the grill or oven using as little fat as possible. They can be supplemented with eggs or plant protein sources.

The new food pyramid allows for occasional delicacies

The new food pyramid allows for occasional delicacies

At the top of the new food pyramid are those foods that should be consumed occasionally and in moderation. These include red meat and sausages.

In order for these foods to be beneficial and not spoil the diet, cooking them in fat should be avoided. It would be ideal to eat with them vegetables and healthy fats.

Likewise, alcoholic beverages can be consumed responsibly. Red wine, white wine and beer are known to be beneficial to health to some extent.

It is still best to enjoy no more than one alcoholic beverage per week. In addition, it is always good to remember to drink enough fluids before and after alcohol.

The foods that should be eaten only very rarely are products high in saturated fat and sugar, such as donuts, ice creams, pastries and the like.


At the top of the new food pyramid are supplements. In general, you should eat as much variety as possible to get everything you need from your diet, without supplements.

Sometimes, however, additional help may be needed. Ask your doctor, as supplements should be used as directed by an expert.

Supplements can help overcome nutrient deficiencies, but they should not replace foods.

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