What Calendula Can Do For Your Health

Marigold is a very useful medicinal plant for many health conditions and problems, both as a topical treatment and in the form of tea.

Marigold is one of the best known medicinal plants for  skin health. Because it is inexpensive and easy to find for your wallet, it is one of the most popular treatments. It is great for healing, repairing and moisturizing your skin.

Healthy calendula

Many would certainly not believe how healthy calendula is. This plant is about 50 centimeters long. In the summer, you can probably find it near your home if you live in the countryside. Its scientific name is Calendula officinalis.

You can easily recognize it by its beautiful, bright orange color that fills the fields when spring begins and lasts until the first frost. If you want to use it in the winter, you can get it fresh and dry it by placing the flower on a flat surface in the sun. You can then keep it in a glass jar or in a tightly closed plastic bag.

In this article, we will look at some uses for this awesome plant.

Treats mild sunburn

Mild sunburns can be quite painful and annoying. They occur when you spend too long in the sun without sunscreen. If this sounds familiar, you can apply a little calendula tea at room temperature, or use a little fresh calendula. 

If you have fresh plants available, do the following: form a paste from the petals and apply it directly to the skin.

If you’d rather have tea, follow this recipe:


  • 1 stem of fresh calendula or one tablespoon of dried calendula
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)


  • Boil water and add calendula.
  • Remove from heat, simmer and allow to cool.

When the tea is at room temperature, apply to the burned area  with a clean cotton cloth.

Reduces inflammation

calendula helps with inflammation


Do you have dermatitis? Do you often get painful rashes? If so, you can use calendula water as part of your daily cleansing routine. 

Just make the above tea. After washing your face, apply tea to your skin by dripping it with a cotton ball.

Leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse with room temperature water. You can then apply a refreshing face cream or fat.

Takes care of baby’s skin

Babies have very sensitive skin. Since it is not ready for harsh chemicals, it is best to use natural remedies when problems arise.

The most common problems with calendula on babies’ skin are diaper rash and sweat rash. 

Because the skin is damaged, you should avoid anything that can make the situation worse. In this case, you can use calendula to clean the affected area. 

It is a good idea to keep the area free and uncovered after cleaning.

You can also make a homemade cream:


  • 200 g of basic cream suitable for babies
  • 15-20 drops of essential calendula oil


  • Mix the two ingredients together, and store the cream in a plastic or glass jar.

You can apply the cream whenever your baby has skin problems or use it regularly to protect your baby from the problems. You can find the basic cream in health food stores or pharmacies.

Prevent and cure dermatitis

calendula to rash


Skin problems exist if any. In addition to burns, you can get scratches and wounds. If you are not careful, they can become inflamed and become serious problems.

To prevent inflammation and cleanse existing inflammations, you can apply calendula tea or cream. It doesn’t matter which one you use; It is important that the flower is completely clean and dust-free.

Once applied, you will notice that after a day or two , the small inflammations and redness will disappear.

If the inflammation is already deep in the skin or smells bad, see a doctor as soon as possible. In this case, you will probably need another treatment.

Marigold insect stings

calendula for insect bites


When you go out into nature and it is summer time, you should use an insect repellent. But if you already have a bite of a mosquito or other bug, try not to scratch it. This will only make it worse as you are spreading insect venom. It makes the bang bigger and bigger. The best thing you can do is spread the marigold baths for a bite.

Baths reduce inflammation and help with itching. In a day or two, the problem is gone and you also don’t have any scratches on your skin.

Get rid of mucus

Do you have a slimy cough and are tired of not being able to sleep? Do not worry; make only a cup of calendula tea. Use it as a mouthwash or gargle with it. This will help remove mucus and allow you to recover faster.

Marigold is much more than just a pretty flower. It doesn’t require much effort to use it, and it’s cheap. What are you waiting for? Add a healthy calendula to your first aid kit!


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