Lose Weight And Get Rid Of Accumulated Fluids With This Pineapple-coconut-ginger Foot

This smoothie will help you speed up your metabolism and lose weight while filling you up and helping to flush out the fluids that have accumulated in your body.
Lose weight and get rid of accumulated fluids with this pineapple-coconut-ginger sole

The best way to lose weight is to eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet and replace them with healthier ones that activate your metabolism.  This way, you burn more calories and get rid of accumulated fluids that make you look bigger than you are.

Learn about this delicious smoothie made from pineapple, coconut and ginger, and you’ll lose weight and get rid of accumulated fluids in a healthy way.

Say no to “miracle diets”

You can get rid of accumulated fluids with the help of the smoothies in this article.


In today’s world, there are all kinds of miracle diets that promise fast, awesome results.

These diets are usually based on some food that is good for health and weight loss. However, they tend to be very restrictive and unbalanced: too low-fat and low-calorie.

An effective, healthy diet is one that doesn’t hurt  the person who follows it, but instead fills him or her with energy and optimism while constantly improving his or her eating habits.

The foods in these miracle diets are sometimes actually a great way to lose weight more easily. But they should be part of a balanced diet. 

Lose weight and get rid of accumulated fluids with healthy foods

Next, we underline three foods that will help your body burn calories and fat as well as eliminate accumulated fluids. 


Coconut is a tropical fruit that has gained a bad reputation for the saturated fat it contains. But over time, it has been proven to be a very nutritious food that contains good-performing fats even for weight loss.

When you eat this type of fat, your body speeds up your metabolism, helping you lose weight more easily  (if you have weight to lose).

This food will not help you lose weight if it is not necessary; it regulates your weight.

Coconut oil also helps your heart, strengthens your resistance, gives you energy, keeps your skin healthy and regulates your thyroid glands,  which are sometimes damaged with weight gain.


Pineapple is rich in water and fiber.

Pineapple is often found in weight loss diets and is commonly recommended for indigestion.

This tropical fruit is high in water and fiber, and thus low in calories. These features make it a great way to satisfy your hunger as you make up your mind for a snack between meals.

It is also an effective diuretic. Eating it regularly will help eliminate the fluid stored in your body  that causes swelling in your legs, stomach and face.


Ginger is a root that is used as a spice in many cultures to provide a fresh, spicy kick to foods and to help with digestion.

However, in natural medicine, it is perfect for eliminating toxins and accumulated fluids to really get your metabolism moving. 

Metabolism is responsible for burning calories. If it’s accelerated, you’ll burn more calories with less effort. 

Diuretic smoothie for weight loss


  • Half-coconut fruit flesh
  • Half a ripe pineapple
    To make diuretic smoothies, you need ginger, coconut and pineapple.
  • Piece of ginger (to taste)
  • 1 liter of water

Note:  If you are unable to find fresh coconut, you can use  ready-made coconut milk instead of water. 


  • First, mix the coconut with hot water for a few minutes in a blender.
  • Then add the pineapple and ginger and mix more until the ingredients are well mixed.
  • Strain and, if desired, refrigerate.
  • You can sweeten smoothies with a small amount of stevia, even though the pineapple gives it a natural sweetness.

How do I drink it?

Enjoy this diuretic, detoxifying smoothie throughout the day like this:

  • 2 cups on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast
  • 1 cup in the morning
  • 1 cup in the afternoon

If you drink it outside of your meals, you increase the effects of its weight loss. You can enjoy it for a week or two several times a year. Always combine it with a healthy, balanced diet.

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