5 Ways To Damage Bones

5 ways that damage bones

How do you take care of your bones? The condition of the skeleton should not always be thought of, especially if it is not symptomatic in any way. We eat poorly, spend a sedentary life, carry too much stuff in our bags, and little by little over the years, these habits damage our bones.

Older generations in particular may have a lot of wear and tear at the joints of the bones. How do we prevent bone wear and pain? In this article, we will explore the ways that can damage bone in the long run.

Daily habits that damage bones

Everything you do in your youth will affect your health in the future. Your bones need certain types of nutrients to stay strong and prevent osteoporosis, for example.

By eating right, you can also avoid falls due to falls on your ankles, legs, wrists, and hips. So start paying more attention to what you eat.

1. Which foods are damaging bones?

carbonated drinks damage the bones

Calcium is absolutely essential for the bones. Calcium gives strength to bones and teeth. Calcium is needed by all cells in the body because calcium regulates many important vital functions; for example, heart, muscle, and nervous system function.

If calcium intake is low, calcium is released from the bones to secure important body functions. Also, vitamin D is important for bone point of view, because it helps the absorption of calcium.

In addition to dairy products, calcium is obtained from fish, eggs and mushrooms. If you are hypersensitive to lactose in milk, you can easily get the amount of calcium you need from other sources as well.

damage the bones

Sometimes, however, taking care of your calcium intake is not enough, as some of the foods you eat may eliminate its effect or interfere with its absorption. For example:

  • Soft drinks, especially cola-based drinks, interfere with calcium absorption. Soft drinks are high in phosphoric acid, which impairs the absorption of calcium into the bone. So it is better to avoid soda and energy drinks, especially if you suffer from bone pain. In addition to bone, the kidneys suffer from drinking soft drinks.
  • Coffee . According to many studies, a cup of coffee does good for the whole body, but you should not drink more than two cups of coffee a day. Coffee contains xanthine, which in the long run increases the excretion of calcium in the urine. Xanthine slowly reduces bone minerals, which can lead to bone fragility. You can drink a couple of cups of coffee a day completely safely, but don’t putty it in a pans shop – especially if you suffer from brittle bones.
  • Salt. Excessive salt is bad for the body, it causes swelling and fluid retention as well as high blood pressure. On top of all this, salt robs the body of calcium. Avoid junk food, ready meals, cold cuts and preserves, as well as a variety of savory snacks as they are high in salt.
  • Red meat.  Red meat is harmful to bones as it contains a lot of amino acids with high sulfur levels. Such properties secrete calcium into the urine, causing it to be removed from the body in large amounts without you even noticing. Prefer plant-based protein such as beans and vegetables as well as healthy animal products such as egg and dairy products.

2. Lack of sleep

too little sleep damages the bones

Rest and sleep is a vital biological necessity. During sleep, the body recovers from the stress and challenges of the day and recharges the batteries to a new day. At night, both the brain and the muscles rest. During the night, the body goes through natural cycles during which it cleanses and removes toxins.

This process originates in the lymphatic system and continues all the way to the liver, with both the lymphatic system and the liver keeping basic organ functions in balance. The process of cleansing the body can only be successful during deep sleep, so if you sleep intermittently, the process of regenerating the body is constantly interrupted.

According to one study, poor night’s sleep damages bone and bone marrow health, and reduces bone minerals, making bone more fragile. This can eventually lead to osteoporosis. So start living your life according to a good rhythm that makes enough room for sleeping and resting.

If you feel restless in the evenings and don’t want to sleep, try taking a hot shower before going to bed. Hot water relaxes muscles. Also, be sure to eat dinner early enough.

3. Quit smoking

tobacco damages bones

Many smokers are aware of the health hazards of tobacco, especially to the lungs. But did you know that smoking is also dangerous to the bones? Smokers have more fragile bones than non-smokers. Especially in women who smoke, skeletal fitness can deteriorate significantly.

Women who smoke during menopause are more prone to fractures than non-smokers. So stump right away and get help with withdrawal symptoms from your pharmacist.

4. Be careful with heavy bags and high heels


Women in particular have a lot of bad ‘habits’ that affect skeletal condition. In the long run, these can damage the bones.

For example, the use of high heels can change posture, back bones, and leg joints and bones. Tibia is one of the most common foot deformities, more common in women than men, and is thought to be due to modern shoes that taper toward the tip and leave the toes pinched.

high heels damage the bones

At high heels, it is difficult to spend the whole day, as usually the legs start to break and force, and after years of using the caps, serious problems can arise. Choose lower and firmer heels instead of spike heels, and choose a shoe shape that leaves enough space for your toes. 

Women’s heavy handbags damage bones

Another hassle for women is handbags. Everyone loves beautiful handbags, and many of them accumulate quite a collection. Everything you need during the day, from changing shoes to a make-up bag and a laptop, is thrown into the bag. Unconsciously, we can carry around a bag weighing up to ten pounds.

The strap of the bag bites the shoulder, the neck irritates and the back and sides ache. Carrying heavy bags can even lead to changes in skeletal structure.

So choose a smaller one instead of a big one, where you have to choose a much smaller amount of stuff. If you’re on the move all day and need a lot of stuff to take with you, use a backpack. The backpack evens out the weight so that it is distributed over the entire back area, not just the other side.

heavy bags damage the bones

Especially with large bags, you should be careful. Carry them for a short time on one shoulder and switch to the other side. Don’t cram them full of stuff, even if there’s room. Trim out unnecessary items and think about what you really need in your bag.

Also, a heavy bag should not be carried on the arm with the elbow bent, as it puts a lot of pressure on the elbow.

If you can’t stand backpacks, choose an upper hand bag with good padding and a wide strap so it doesn’t bite your shoulder. By tightening the strap, you get the bag comfortably close to your body and it does not cause muscle pain.

5. Immobility will damage your bones

poor lifestyles damage the bones

Immobility is detrimental to the bones. If you spend your day sitting in front of a computer, you may suffer from many muscle aches and your posture will worsen. If you don’t get exercise at work, make sure you get it in your spare time. Medium strain does good to the bones and strengthens.

Remember posture when standing as well as sitting, and exercise for at least half an hour each day. With exercise, you keep your bones flexible and mobile, as well as the muscles attached to it.

Keep in mind these bad habits that damage your bones! This will prevent many problems with immobility, especially in old age.

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