People Wearing Resentment Don’t Forgive

The problem with beautiful people is that they don’t usually realize they are like that. When they then realize the matter, it is not too late to make a change in their behavior and correct their own way of being.
People carrying resentment do not forgive

Carrying resentment is a negative emotion that can really damage a person’s mental health. This is because people who resent resentment are unable to forgive others for the wounds they have inflicted on them.

Whether it’s something done or said by another person who then offended such a person, a  person who resents resentment can never really be happy  because he goes through life carrying the weight on his shoulders. He has no ability to forgive, and this leads to deep bitterness within a person.

Carrying resentment is a different matter than revenge

Some may think that beauty and revenge are equal, but there are two very different things. The beauty is that you are wounded and you want another person to pay for hurting you.

do not carry resentment, continue forward

Revenge, on the other hand, is about behaving in a hostile manner towards another and doing your best to make his life resemble hell because he has offended you.

While beauty and revenge are, of course, sometimes things that come together, a  person carrying resentment is usually passive and would never do anything according to his or her desires. So this is something that is completely different from behavior that is really revenge-seeking.

Beautiful people have trapped anger and anger inside. They wish bad things to another, but rarely act accordingly. Instead, they dedicate themselves to criticizing, condemning, disregarding others, and spreading their own toxic attitude.

Characteristics of a person carrying resentment

Now that we’ve clarified what resentment is all about, you may be willing to know how you can identify such a person and what all that beauty can entail.

In the following, we list some of the characteristics of a person carrying resentment.

the bearer of resentment will never forget

A person carrying resentment will never forgive or forget

Some forgive, but never forget. Beautiful people lie to themselves and say they have forgiven. Within them, however, they still carry negative feelings for the other person.

He never learns from his past

A beautiful person is always stuck in his past. He never seems able to learn from his negative experiences.

He is never wrong

Those people who hold on to their beautiful feelings consider themselves perfect, and they never, in their own opinion, make mistakes. This makes them really rigid with respect to others if they behave differently than they would like.

He is easily injured

It can be hard to deal with a person who resents resentment because everything you say or do seems to offend him  in some way.

He considers himself better than others

The pain that someone has caused them causes a beautiful person to take on the status of a victim, which prevents him or her from seeing the mistakes of his or her own thinking. Indeed, the perception of reality by such people is often distorted.

Life is a soap opera

The life of a hateful or beautiful person revolves around the fact that he is unable to let go of the past and is insecure. Life is like a soap opera where  they are always victims.

Does this all sound like someone you know? Or do you perhaps recognize these traits in yourself? Beauty, like any other feeling, can be set aside. You just have to be aware of that.

Everyone has the opportunity to change

If you recognize in yourself several of these traits we mentioned above, it is important to ask the opinions of the people in your life.  Try to keep an open mind about everything they tell you about yourself.

Talking to others and sharing perspectives will help you identify when you are wrong. This will help you understand why you have so much resentment inside you and what you can do to get rid of it.

That’s why it’s important that you know how to accept honest criticism and understand that you’re not going to like everything that comes from the mouths of the people you love.

If you know someone, or if you are the one who carries resentment within you, remember that every person is capable of change.

So don’t think that a beautiful person will always be like this. If he becomes aware of himself, he can stop carrying resentment and learn to forgive.

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