6 Ways To Cause Premature Aging

Bad habits such as smoking and immobility can weaken the skin more quickly, causing premature aging.
6 ways to cause premature aging

At some point in life, there is no choice but to accept that the signs of aging are an inevitable part of the biological processes the body goes through. However, there are some bad habits that cause premature aging without us realizing it.

Just like other organs, the skin undergoes a series of changes as a person ages. It is therefore normal for the skin to begin to show wrinkles and other blemishes caused by aging around the age of 45-50.

The problem is that we often ignore habits that damage the skin, and then it begins to show prematurely damage that may even affect self-esteem. While many cosmetic products and treatments can help with them, the signs of premature aging will inevitably come if these bad habits are not changed.

What can be done to remedy the situation? In addition to improving your beauty routine, it’s best to address these bad habits. Keep reading and see what they are!

Habits that cause premature aging

Skin care should be started at an early age. While many try to combat the signs of aging as they appear, the most effective way would be to prevent them by treating the skin before they develop.

There are a lot of toxins and volatile particles in the environment that have a negative effect on the skin. So if you want to avoid the signs of premature aging, stay away from them.

It is also true that hereditary factors affect the rate at which wrinkles appear. A healthy lifestyle can slow down this process and also improve the quality of life on that side.

Without further ado, let’s look at what bad habits cause premature aging so you can make a corrective move.

1. Too much makeup

woman with makeup

Women use makeup to look more beautiful, but many are unaware that too much makeup negatively affects skin health. Makeup residues accumulate in the skin pores and cause a lot of impurities. In addition, they block the oxygen supply to the tissues as they clog the skin.


  • Try to avoid using makeup whenever it is not necessary. The skin needs to be able to breathe naturally.
  • Clean your face every day to remove any cosmetic residue.

2. Smoking

smoking causes premature aging of the skin

Tobacco is full of chemicals that adversely affect respiratory health and promote premature skin aging. Toxins affect the oxygen uptake process in cells and interfere with tissue regeneration.

On the other hand, they also cause dehydration, meaning heavy smoking can dry out and weaken the skin. This, of course, accelerates the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes, even at a young age.


  • Try to quit smoking. It’s not easy, but there are a lot of ways to help quit.
  • If you do not smoke yourself, try not to be exposed to tobacco smoke. This smoke is harmful and contains particles that damage the skin.

3. Sunbathing without sun protection

the sun causes premature aging

Daily use of sunscreen is one of the best ways to prevent premature aging. It is not enough to use it only on sunny days or on the beach. The sun’s rays always find their way to the skin, even in cloudy weather. So use sunscreen every day, without exception.


  • Before going out in the sun, apply sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 30 on the skin.
  • Also, wear clothing and accessories that protect your skin from the sun: long-sleeved shirts, hats, sunglasses, etc.

4. Low sleep

lack of rest causes premature aging

Poor sleep quality has a significant effect on skin health. During sleep, the skin goes through processes that help reduce the damage it suffers. A night’s sleep of less than 7 hours adversely affects blood circulation and causes premature wrinkles, eye bags, and loosening of the skin.


  • Try to go to bed and always wake up at the same time so you don’t disturb your sleep rhythm.
  • If you have difficulty sleeping, try to find the cause of your insomnia and treat it as quickly as possible.

5. Poor diet

poor diet causes premature aging

This is one of the fastest aging ways. Nutrients from food are essential for health and youthful skin. For this reason, skin blemishes are more likely to appear if the diet is poor.

Excessive consumption of fat, sugar and processed foods affects the production of collagen and elastin and accelerates aging. Unfortunately, many foods are also high in toxins and harmful chemicals. Eating such foods has a negative effect on the bloodstream and thus interferes with the oxygen supply to the tissues.


  • Strive to eat more organic foods such as organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean meats.
  • Avoid processed meats and bakery products as much as possible.
  • Replace soft drinks with water.

6. Immobility

feet on the table

Immobility affects health in several ways. But many are unaware that it also has detrimental effects on the skin.

Getting a solid body requires exercise. With daily exercise, you remove many toxins from your body that can accelerate aging.


  • Exercise for at least half an hour every day.
  • If you have physical limitations, ask an expert for advice on the types of exercise that are right for you.

Now that you know what bad habits accelerate aging, try to live healthier lives. This will make you feel better in every way.

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