How To Remove Too Much Sugar From Your Diet

If you feel addicted to sweet foods and want to get rid of this bad habit, it’s time to change certain eating habits and also pay attention to the amount of exercise.
This will remove too much sugar from your diet

There is sugar in all kinds of products, from dairy products to canned food. If you want to get rid of excess sugar in your body, you need to do more than leave out the clearest products, i.e. Candy Bags.

Sugar can also cause depressed mood, anxiety, and some cognitive problems. If you feel addicted to sweet foods and want to say goodbye to this habit, you  should cleanse your body of sugar, and this is done by leaving it out of your diet for a while.

In addition to making changes in your eating habits, exercising every day is also a great help. Getting up and moving will help you consume excess sugar from your blood.

If you suspect your sugar level is too high for you, keep reading and make a change – now you’ll hear what to do if you’re addicted to sugar !

What is the relationship between sugar and weight gain?

Excessive eating of fatty foods is not the only reason to gain weight. Carbohydrates are also the cause of this phenomenon.  Sugar is hidden in many popular products that people get into their bodies without even being aware of it. Some examples of this are the following products: juices, cereals, salad dressings, yogurts and sweets – and many more.

The body uses some of this sugar for energy, and the rest is then stored in fat. When it comes to this storage,  there is a really big difference between processed and natural sugar. Processed sugar usually raises blood sugar levels, which can lead to the accumulation of fat in the waist, hips and thighs over time.

Artificial sweeteners

artificial sweetening

When you try to remove excess sugar from your body, you may be able to take the help of artificial sweeteners, but this is actually a disadvantage.

While these products may provide a short-term solution, it happens that when you wean yourself off regular sugar, they actually cause  weight gain and metabolic changes that can lead to type 2 diabetes.

Diet based on natural foods

One way to do a cleansing course to remove sugar is to  choose only and only natural products – so nothing that comes packaged, in jars or bottles. Thus, you should eat, for example, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, fish, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats such as avocado and olive oil.

It’s important to get enough protein as it will keep you full while being able to keep your appetite at bay.

Choose “good” carbs

fruits and nuts

You don’t have to avoid carbs here, but when you want to get rid of sugar, you still need to choose the right types.

The following processed carbohydrates should be completely eliminated from the diet: white bread, pasta, processed beverages and bakery products. They should be replaced with carbohydrates such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, leafy green vegetables, eggplant, artichoke and paprika.

For best results, avoid  grains and kidney beans, as well as starch-rich vegetables – this way you can wean yourself off sugar more effectively.

The most important thing here is to  gradually eliminate sugar-containing products from your diet. In other words, this process should be done one product at a time. You may feel very uncomfortable in the first few days, but this feeling will disappear quickly.

If you experience very severe anxiety, eat some small fruit, such as an apple or an orange.

Diet to reduce sugar levels

Day 1

Breakfast: A serving of oats with berries and almonds. Three eggs boiled.
Morning snack: A small bowl of peanuts.
Lunch: Grilled chicken breast with pumpkin, beets, carrots, turnips, beans and almonds.
Dinner: Grilled fish, a plate of green beans and broccoli. Add more mushrooms if you want.

Day 2

Breakfast: A cup of oats with berries and seeds. A cup of spinach and carrots.
Morning snack: A small bowl of almonds.
Lunch: Grilled zucchini, red and yellow peppers and sauce of lemon, wine vinegar and thyme. Prepare yourself a cabbage salad with grated carrots, olive oil, lemon and finely chopped parsley.
Dinner: Steamed vegetables, fried cod, Brussels sprouts and fried turnips.

Day 3

Breakfast: Three eggs in the form of scrambled eggs, with the addition of shrimp, cabbage, radish and a mixture of nuts – prepare from these salads.
Morning snack: A small bowl of peanuts.
Lunch: Chicken legs fried with rosemary, sage, lemon, onion, thyme and black olives.
Dinner: Mushroom soup with garlic, celery, thyme, carrot and bay leaf.

Instead of sugary products, enjoy the following drinks

Detox water to expel sugar from the body

detox water to remove too much sugar from the diet

Prepare your own detox water from one of the following fruits: grapefruit, cranberry, strawberry or orange. Chop the fruit of your choice and then put it in a jug. Add fresh rosemary or mint, then fill the jug with ice and water. Enjoy this drink daily.

Herbal tea to exclude sugar

Drink the appropriate sugar-free herbal tea three times a day.

The diet we present in this article is a very effective choice when you want to reduce your sugar cravings, and this is exactly what you need to say goodbye to sugar addiction. With will, determination and these instructions, you will go a long way, and you can say goodbye to sugar for good!

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