Causes Of Knee Pain And Home Remedies

Our knees suffer from the fact that they have to support the weight of our whole body all day and they can get hard as a result of being overweight or violent movements. Knee pain, which can be severe, can be due to a recent, chronic, or poorly healed injury or other health problem.
Causes of knee pain and home remedies

Next, we will talk about the possible causes and causes of knee pain. We also present some great home treatments that can help alleviate knee pain with completely natural ingredients such as herbs, oils and even vegetables.

Possible causes of knee pain

The most common causes are:

  • Arthritis
  • Bursitis: Inflammation caused by excessive weight or constant tension on the knees.
  • Tendonitis : An inflammatory condition of the tendons that may be due to running, jumping, or brisk walking. Tendonitis in the knee can increase the risk of tendon rupture.
  • Ligament injury or rupture: This is usually seen as a fall or tear as well as severe pain.
  • Joint hernia injury: This is usually due to a sudden knee-turning movement and causes inaccurate pain that may appear immediately or only after several days.
  • Muscle sprain or strain: This is also considered a ligament injury, but is less severe and is due to distortion.
  • “Baker’s cyst”: In this case, swelling occurs due to fluid accumulation in the knee.
athlete knee pain

Whenever you suffer from chronic knee pain without being able to identify any kind of obvious injury, you should be aware that according to traditional Chinese medicine, your knees are in contact with your kidneys.

Therefore, if you suffer from any kind of knee pain or problem, you should also consider the health of your kidneys. So when your kidneys are working properly, it is possible that your knee pains will disappear.

How should knee pain be treated?

If you have any significant injury, you must first avoid movement in this area, keep it cold, and allow it to rest. Go to a first aid doctor so that the relevant tests as well as diagnoses can be made.

If you have had this problem for a long time or if it is chronic or occurs for no apparent reason or injury , you should also visit a physiotherapist or osteopath.

We also especially recommend a therapist who performs kinesthesia taping. This is a technique based on the use of colorful and flexible pieces of tape and is used by many professional athletes with great results.

Next, we present some of the best natural home treatments to relieve and eliminate knee pain.

“Cabbage Compress”

Cabbage is an excellent product in the fight against inflammation. To make a so-called cabbage compress, you should use green cabbage. Put the cabbage leaves in boiling water for a few minutes, then rub them slightly to remove excess liquid.

Place the leaves directly on your inflamed knee, and cover the knee with a cloth. Finally, place aluminum foil or plastic wrap over the area. Leave on for 30 minutes or longer.

Massage oils

Depending on how warm your knee is, you can prepare a suitable therapeutic home treatment to give the area warmth or coolness. This treatment can be repeated daily.

If the area in question is inflamed, ie it is red and the skin is warm : use 50 ml of almond oil and 15 drops of essential mint oil.

If you have knee pain but the area is cold : use sesame or olive oil and 15 drops of essential ginger oil.

Kuisma oil

This is a highly therapeutic oil that you can make yourself at home. It has properties that improve blood circulation and is also useful for bruises, burns and other healing in general. Kuisma oil also acts as a natural way to fight depression.

Soak fresh conifer flowers in olive oil for 30 days, using an uncovered container. The oil gradually turns red during this time. Then apply the oil two or three times to your knees, rubbing it on the area gently.

Arnica treatment

arnica, knee pain reliever

Arnica is perhaps best known for these remedies among athletes as well as people suffering from inflammation. This is due to its widespread use in natural medicine and homeopathy.

Arnica is a highly anti-inflammatory plant and is used in fats and gels. You can buy these products from health food stores and pharmacies.

If you decide to take advantage of homeopathy, which can well be combined with the use of fat or gel, the recommended treatment product is Arnica Montana 9 CH.

You should place 3 lozenges on your tongue less than three times a day. This should be separate from food and drink times and should not be associated with the use of strong or mint-flavored products (such as chewing gum or toothpaste).

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