Foods Needed By A Sedentary Worker

If you have a slightly mobile lifestyle, you may want to eat a variety of foods that are low in fat and high in fiber.
Foods needed by a sedentary worker

The dietary decisions you make on a daily basis about what you eat for lunch and dinner have a direct impact on your health. In addition, the needs of a sedentary worker are different from those of a manual worker.

You can repeatedly choose foods that are high in fat and animal proteins and that can cause diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and obesity. Or you can choose from a variety of low-fat and high-fiber foods.

Scientific evidence shows that there is a link between health and a balanced diet. That’s why  it’s good to know more about healthy foods, more than just their nutritional value.

Also,  you should think about how harmful a low-moving lifestyle is to your health. Unhealthy snacks and sitting at a computer for long periods of time are factors that will affect your health sooner or later.

A sedentary worker should include these foods in their diet

1. Foods that are good for the eyes

lemon peel

Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins A, C, and E can help protect your eye health. Try to eat leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce and cabbage.

Dishes such as eggs, citrus fruits, berries, nuts, seeds and fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout)  are also recommended dishes. Cereals and yeast are good for sight. They contain vitamin B, which helps prevent vision loss.

Citrus fruits are also good for eyesight. They are rich in vitamin C, which produces collagen in the muscles around the eyes.

2. Foods that strengthen the immune system

Office environments are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. So it’s no surprise that someone with the flu can infect the people around them.

To prevent this from happening, make sure you eat foods that strengthen your immune system. For example, citrus fruits, red peppers, broccoli, garlic, ginger, kiwi and papaya, which help your body fight viruses.

You can also choose yoghurt as a snack. The probiotics in yogurt are healthy bacteria that help keep the gut free of bacterial diseases.

They also help to increase certain T cells. You can boost your immunity by eating just 200 ml of yogurt a day.

3. Foods that strengthen your metabolism

coffee cup and coffee beans

Your metabolism determines how fast you burn calories. Its speed can be assessed by several factors such as age, gender, genes, and lifestyle.

The better your metabolism, the more calories you burn. This is particularly important for a sedentary worker, as there is not much mobility during the working day.

Eating seaweed, coffee, tea, legumes, lean meats and spices such as ginger, cayenne pepper and cardamom will keep your metabolism stable. These foods can also help you stay at your ideal weight.

Remember that if you eat very little, your metabolism will slow down to burn fewer calories during the day.

4. Foods useful for the brain

The brain is the main tool of all people. A healthy diet is as important to all the organs of your body as it is to your physical health.

Eat fatty fish such as salmon and trout, blueberries, nuts and seeds  so that the gray matter in the brain works well and slows down aging. Also, make sure you include fiber-rich foods such as oats, whole grain bread, dark rice, pomegranate juice, and dark chocolate in your diet.

5. Foods useful for the digestive system


Doing sedentary work for more than 10 years doubles the risk of developing colon cancer. To prevent this from happening, exercise regularly and eat healthily. Your diet should include fruits such as apples and pears, as well as vegetables such as onions, asparagus, and garlic.

Make sure you also eat legumes such as peas, soybeans, lentils, oats and oat products, rye, and barley. You should also eat dried fruits, nuts and dairy products such as milk, cheese and yoghurt. Finally, it is recommended that you reduce your intake of red and processed meats as they may increase your risk of developing cancer.

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