Healthy Snack Ideas For Work

Is hunger starting in the stomach already in the middle of the work day and the lunch break is already gone or is there still time for it? Next, we’ll divide healthy snack ideas into jobs that will help calm both hunger and avoid falling into processed treats that are high in fat, sugar, and unnecessary calories.
Healthy snack ideas for work

Do you want to take care of a healthy diet at work as well, but there are only vending machines in your workplace that are full of unhealthy fatty and sugary treats? Next, we want to share with you both sweet and savory, but at the same time healthy snack ideas for work that is easy to prepare at home the night before.

These healthy snacks are great choices when hunger starts to strain already in the morning or afternoon before you get home. This way, you won’t get home hungry and make bad food choices that can make you frost on both your health and your measurements in the long run. Try them today though!

Healthy snack ideas for work

Healthy vegetable chips

If potato chips are your weak point, healthy chips made from vegetables are a great choice just for you. Best of all, you can choose from your vegetables your own favorites, be it carrots, zucchini, beets, sweet potatoes, kale or broccoli. In addition, you can mix different vegetables freely with each other and thus make delicious but healthy vegetable chips both for work and for example from their joint movies. Just follow these steps:

  • Cut the vegetables of your choice into thin sheets.
  • Spread them on a baking sheet or in a baking dish.
  • Then brush the vegetables with olive oil and season with salt and pepper and aromatic herbs (e.g. oregano, thyme, paprika powder, rosemary or curry) to taste.
  • Bake the chips in the middle of the oven for about 20 minutes.
  • Remove the sheet metal from the oven and allow the vegetables to cool at room temperature for a while to make their surface even more crispy.
  • Store the chips in a lunch box or lunch bag, then all you have to do is grab them the next morning to get to work! Best of all, these chips stay crunchy for several days, so you can make a slightly larger dose at once and enjoy them at work even every day of the week.
Low-fat and healthy healthy vegetable chips are great for both work as a snack and family movies together
Easy vegetable chips are significantly healthier than processed and high-calorie potato chips. In addition, they effectively keep hunger at bay and help soothe the anxiety that many may feel between meals.

Yogurt with fruit, cinnamon and dark chocolate

The best option for choosing yogurt is its natural versions, which have not been sweetened with sugar or other sweeteners. You can choose either a completely fat-free version, a slightly thicker Greek yogurt, or a completely vegetable-based soy yogurt, depending on your preferences.

Thanks to the taste of fruit, cinnamon and dark chocolate, this snack is sweet and delicious. It is a great snack for those who like to enjoy sweets and drinks between meals. Fortunately, like candies and pastries, this snack doesn’t find unnecessary sugar and energy! Also, be sure to make sure that the dark chocolate used in the recipe contains at least 70 percent cocoa. In this way, the health benefits of dark chocolate come to the fore in the best possible way.

  • You can choose fruits according to your own taste and vary them to achieve new taste dimensions.
  • Mix all the ingredients together and store the yogurt in a storage box. If your mornings are busy, you might as well prepare a snack the night before.

Healthy snack biscuits from oats and bananas

If you’re one of those who loves to savor biscuits in between meals, here’s an easy and simple recipe for healthy biscuits that you only need two ingredients to make.

  • All you need to make these biscuits is one really ripe banana and about 30 grams of oat bran.
  • First, crush the ripe banana with a fork into a smooth paste and mix in the oatmeal.
  • You can add cinnamon, dried fruit, nuts, raisins, seeds or almonds, for example.
  • Then divide the dough into small portions about the size of a dessert. Using a damp hand or spoon, press the portions into biscuit-shaped round pieces.
  • Place the biscuits on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and bake for about 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees. When the biscuits are cooked, remove the sheet from the oven and allow the biscuits to cool at room temperature for a while.

We can swear you’ll be surprised at how good these two-ingredient biscuits taste in your mouth! To keep the biscuits longer, be sure to store them in a closed and airtight glass jar. In addition, you can prepare a slightly larger portion at a time and enjoy them between meals, even for several days.

Healthy snack ideas for work: cottage cheese and baby carrots

Cottage cheese and baby carrots are a healthy and low-calorie snack. In fact, cottage cheese is not cheese, although the name might refer to it, but is a dairy product made from whey. It is made by fermenting whey left over from cheese making.

This is a great snack option especially for those who want to lose weight, as unlike many other dairy products and cheeses, cottage cheese is low in fat. It is also an ideal choice for those who exercise a lot and want to increase muscle mass, as cottage cheese contains up to four times more protein than milk.

  • You can enjoy cottage cheese together with baby carrots or cherry tomatoes, as they fit snugly in the lunch box as such due to their small size, so you don’t have to spend time chopping vegetables at all.
Cottage cheese is a great snack option, especially for those who want to lose weight, as unlike many other dairy products and cheeses, it is low in fat.
Cottage cheese is a food made from whey obtained with cheese. This is why its protein content is significant. You can enjoy cottage cheese, for example, together with carrots, tomatoes or other vegetables.

Pudding from Chia seeds and fruit

This snack is great to enjoy, for example, in the morning before lunch time or in the afternoon after lunch time. You can add the finished pudding to a small glass jar or lunch box, for example, so that it travels from place to place in a work briefcase or backpack.

Chia seeds are high in fiber and unsaturated fatty acids such as Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids. For this reason – and as several scientific studies have highlighted – Chia seeds help prevent a variety of diseases, including hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

In addition, Chia contains soluble fiber, especially vegetable gum, which in contact with the liquid forms a gel and, when assimilated in the body, prolongs the feeling of satiety.

  • To make a delicious pudding from Chia seeds, all you have to do is mix 3 tablespoons of raw Chia seeds with two deces of milk (e.g. soy, almond or plain milk) or a vegetarian drink.
  • Next, you should store the drink in the refrigerator for a few hours, during which time the Chia seeds will swell and form a pudding-like jelly from the drink.
  • Next, you just need to sprinkle fruit on top of the pudding according to your taste: be it mango, strawberries, kiwi, banana or apple.
  • Add the pudding with the fruit to a glass jar or lunch box and let it stand in the fridge overnight. This way, this delicious snack is ready to be enjoyed in the first hours of the next morning, if hunger comes as a surprise.

Healthy snack ideas for work: edamame soybeans

Edamame soybeans from Asian cuisine are still a fairly new but healthy snack in Finnish cuisine , which will get you hooked like a coarse treat. If you buy them frozen, just add them to boiling water along with salt, cook for about 3-5 minutes, drain the excess water and the delicious edamame soybeans are ready to eat right away!

  • We recommend eating edamame soybeans along with seeds, peppers or soy sauce, for example. In addition, you can combine these soybeans with different vegetables, for example, to suit your own taste, or enjoy them as you wish.

Why eat edamame? These beans are rich in plant proteins and micronutrients such as calcium, iron, phosphorus and manganese, as well as vitamins such as vitamins C, B9 and K. In addition, they contain isoflavones that are beneficial to health.

Treat and maintain a balanced diet at work as well by enjoying these healthy snacks, and make them fashionable choices among your co-workers as well! Undoubtedly, these effortless snacks are options to help you take care of both your size and your health.

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