Here You Recognize Toxic Love

Toxic love can take many forms, from physical and mental violence to unrealistic expectations. Do you recognize your loved ones or yourself from this description?
From this you recognize toxic love

Toxic love manifests itself in a greater number of relationships than we can imagine. Toxic love takes a relationship to the path of bitterness and hopelessness, the only way out of which is to break up.

Ending up in toxic love may be due to how we have been raised and what experiences have come our way. Perhaps we have chosen to settle for toxic love because of our fears, hopes, dreams, and beliefs.

Today we discuss the hallmarks of toxic love that steal from us the right to happiness and fulfillment in human relationships.

Toxic love

The partner is trying to change you


man stroking woman in bed

In a toxic relationship, a partner tries to change another. He wants the partner to be ideal for him, the fulfillment of all desires; an image he has created himself.

He cannot accept or love his partner as this is, from which constant quarrels and disappointments arise. In toxic love, you are in love with the idea that you will one day become the couple you have been dreaming of. Such an attitude and expectations only brings with it frustration and impossible requests from another.

Everyone should value their partner just the way he or she is, because changing people is difficult, if not almost impossible, and of course not a desirable thing.

Mental addiction

This is one of the greatest difficulties of our era. The fear of being left alone and the thought that no one loves us can make us mentally dependent.

Sometimes such behavior has its roots in childhood, during which you did not receive enough of the attention, appreciation, and encouragement you longed for and deserved, or the traumas associated with previous relationships.

Spiritual addiction suffocates the partner and the flourishing love between you.

Owning a partner is not love


woman sitting on the floor

No one can be owned, and if one tries to keep one completely their own, it only leads to frustration and bitterness. Owning and controlling a partner is not love, but your own insecurity.

No one can be owned because every person is free. This idea can seem scary, because basically your partner is free to leave you because only. If you respect and appreciate the other, it is very unlikely that he is unhappy and wants to leave, but if you try to own him and demand all his energy and time from him, he will start to miss the way out.

Sometimes this kind of uncertainty arises from your own thoughts that reflect your fears. Maybe you’re bored yourself and looking after others, but at the same time you’re afraid your partner will do the same. Sometimes you treat the other with ownership because past relationships have ended sadly.

Physical violence is never acceptable

Hurting another is not acceptable under any circumstances. No one has the right to raise their hand against you Whether you have done anything: intentionally annoyed or accidentally broke something.

When your partner reaches you, this is a clear sign that it is toxic love and needs to get rid of it quickly. Don’t let another subdue you or walk over you, it’s important that there is mutual appreciation in the relationship.

You leave friends behind


woman pondering on the bed

It is understandable that attitudes towards friends can change during the first months of a relationship. Maybe you don’t have as much time for friends when the business of a relationship takes your attention. A new experience can get your head on the bike and you may want to spend all your time with your new partner. If this kind of going on lasts longer, you may soon find you have lost your important friends.

It is important to set aside time for friends even when you are in a relationship. Don’t spend all your time with your partner, but take a break from time to time, which you share with the people you care about and love who know you best.

Don’t slip into a pattern where your partner comes with you everywhere and you don’t see your friends between the two of you. It is important to remember that a friendship can go on throughout life if it is taken good care of, but a relationship can end.

Often you realize this too late, because when the relationship ends you turn to your friends and you find that they are lost. Don’t let friendships dilute, but also pay attention to your friends.

Love based on illusion


toxic love, the couple is different

Such love is difficult to banish because it is closely related to the early stages of falling in love. Illusions and expectations lead to everything in our partner seeming perfect. But what happens after that? It’s the very things we didn’t pay attention to before that are starting to get distracting.

Not everyone realizes that a relationship and its parties change over time. Mature love opens its eyes to development, and does not commit to early expectations of another. Distinguish between illusion and reality in your mind.

Do you identify yourself with the descriptions in this article? Now that you know what toxic love looks like, you can avoid it in the future.

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